Year 1: Blog items

Year 1 Blog - Friday 3rd May 2024

Date: 2nd May 2024 @ 5:08pm

Sports Day | St. Michael's C.E. Primary School

Welcome to your Friday blog.


Home Practice

Phonics - g words (soft g sound) OR or words (er sound) OR ph words.

Maths - Subtract within 20 OR year 2 subtraction (some children have asked for trickier maths sumdog!)

Counting - Count in 2s, 5s and 10s starting at different numbers, 12,22,32 and so on.

Reading - Please try to read each night, it makes a big difference!



We have been learning through the story of 'There's a Tiger in the Garden'. We quickly realised that Nora was using her imagination whilst out in her Grandma's garden. We used different connectives to make our sentences more exciting and our own imaginations to think of new objects that Nora could come across.


Some of us have been revising the soft c as in saucers the and the soft g in cage.

Some of us have been learning the different /er/ spellings - er in pepper, ir in third, or in work and ear in learn.


We have been learning how to add and subtract using part-whole models and 10 frames.


We started our new Bible story about Jesus' Ascension. We talked about what Ascension means and drew a picture of Jesus rising up to heaven.


Some of us made some amazing fact files about a hot place in the world (The Sahara Desert). We used the iPads to find new information, we learnt a lot of new facts!

Forest School

We made shelters and pretended a storm was coming! Superb team-work and problem solving. We are also becoming more proficient when tying knots.

Sports Day

We are so proud of the whole class. Everyone worked brilliantly as a team and individually. Well done to Bede who won the Year 1 Sports Day!

A big thank you to everyone who watched, cheered and participated in the parent races.


Year 1 Blog - Friday 26th April 2024

Date: 24th Apr 2024 @ 5:27pm

297,700+ Planet Earth Stock Illustrations, Royalty-Free Vector Graphics &  Clip Art - iStock | Earth from space, Planet earth from space, Globe

Welcome to your Friday blog.

Home Practice

Phonics - al (or sound) words OR ue words OR e_e words

Maths - Number bonds practise

Counting - Count in 2s, 5s and 10s starting at different numbers, 12,22,32 and so on.

Reading - Please try to read each night, it makes a big difference!



We thoroughly enjoyed learning through the story of 'We're Going on a Lion Hunt' this week. We quickly realised that it is similar to We're Going on a Bear Hunt!

We wrote sentences describing Africa, wrote past tense verbs describing the girls' actions and some of us even wrote our own versions of the story.


Some of us have been revising split digraphs, a-e as in cake, i-e as in nine, e-e as in even, u-e as in rule and cuteo-e as in rope.

Some of us have continued to learn the 10 different or spellings. We looked at al in walk, our in pour, oar in board, augh in taught and ough in thought.


We have been learning how to share amounts equally. We solved problems by making jottings on our whiteboard, for example- share 15 apples between 3 children, share 12 pens into 4 pots.


We continued to learn through 'The Road to Emmaus'. We created some Jesus artwork and used the iPads to track the journey that we think Jesus went on from Jerusalem to Emmaus.


We started our plants topic this week. We went on a spring walk around school and identified any plants that we could see.


We sketched some amazing pictures of birds in preparation for our 'Making Birds' art topic.

Forest School

We discussed how to be safe around a fire. We made campfire doughnuts. We showed great teamwork, patience, co-operation and we also listened really well.They were delicious!

We also celebrated Earth Day which was on Monday of this week. We played our bee game again but this time we added in a waggle dance which is how the bees communicate with each other when they are looking for nectar.

We scattered some wildflower seeds because we know that they provide bees, butterflies and other pollinators with food. We also took a wild flower seed bomb home to see if we could grow some wild flowers at home.

We also picked up all the litter we could find in our nature area.






Year 1 Blog - Friday 19th April 2024

Date: 18th Apr 2024 @ 6:10pm

Sunlight Cliparts - Cliparts Zone

Welcome to the first blog of the Summer Term. 


Home Practice

Phonics - a_e words, OR au words OR ay words.

Maths - Identifying odd and even numbers.

Counting - Count in 2s, 5s and 10s starting at different numbers, 12,22,32 and so on.

Reading - Please try to read each night, it makes a big difference!



This week we have been learning through the story of  'I Want My Hat Back' by Jon Klassen. The bear kept asking: "Have you seen my hat?" to all the characters!

We have had some interesting discussions about the book and written some great sentences.

We have learnt to use different conjunctions (such as 'and' and 'because') and focused on using adjectives to describe the characters and the hat.


Some of us have been revising the split digraphs a-e as in cake, o-e as in mole and e-e as in concrete.

Some of us have been learning the different u spellings - u in sun, oo in wood and oul in could. We have also started to look at the different or spellings - aw in paw, au in haunt, oor in door and ore in more.


We have been learning how to halve shapes and amounts. We know that each part must be equal for it to be a half. We have found halves of amounts by sharing.


Our new piece of scripture is 'The Road to Emmaus'. We role played the story and talked about how the men were feeling when they found out that they were in Jesus' presence.


We have started to get ready for sports day. We practised running fast, jumping and rolling a ball to each other.


We made our own rain gauges to measure how much rain is falling. We will check on them on Monday and use jugs to measure the volume.

Forest School

We played a game, some of us were bees and some of us were flowers. The bees had to collect the pollen from the flowers. We also discussed how the nectar attracts the bees to the flowers.

We also took part in a stone challenge. We showed excellent team-work and perseverance when trying to balance the stones on each other.

We also took part in some child-initiated learning which involved cooking with the blossom that has been blown off the trees, building dens and inventing our own games.

We also spotted changes in the nature area, bluebells have grown, there are leaves on the trees and it's a bit less muddy!



Year 1 Blog - Thursday 28th March 2024

Date: 27th Mar 2024 @ 4:36pm

Religious Easter Cards - Three Crosses, pack of 5 cards with white envelopes, with Bible verse inside these Christian Easter cards, by Just Cards

Home Practise

Your child has brought home some tricky words which they need to learn to read on sight. This will really help with their reading progress.

We have set an addition and subtraction maths challenge on Sumdog, have a go over Easter!



We read the story of The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle. We re-told the story and read our stories to the children in Year 2.


Some of us have been revising all the sounds which make the /ee/ sound.

Some of us have been learning the different /ar/ spellings - ar in park, al in half and a in rather and revising the two /oi/ digraph spellings: oi and oy.


We have been learning how to double amounts. 

We have been using our knowledge of counting in 2s, 5s and 10s to solve problems, for example 6 vases contain 5 flowers each, how many flowers are there altogether?


We learnt about Jesus' crucifixion and the angel's message. We made some amazing Easter slider cards and wrote our own version of how Jesus died.


We played benchball in the hall. We worked well as a team and had fun practising our throwing and catching skills.

Forest School

We have been flying bird gliders. We also paprticipated in some great child- initaited learning in the nature area.

We noticed forget-me-knots, buttercups and daisies growing in there.


Have a happy and holy Easter.

Year 1 Blog - Friday 22nd March 2024

Date: 19th Mar 2024 @ 11:43am

Home Practice

Phonics - ou words OR y (ee sound) words OR phase 4 words

Maths - Money

Counting - Count in 2s, 5s and 10s starting at different numbers, 12,22,32 and so on.

Reading - Please try to read each night, it makes a big difference!



This week our learning has been through a story about Scaredy Squirrel. We have met him before but now he's trying to organise a birthday party.

We wrote some facts about squirrels.

We interviewed Scaredy Squirrel and asked him questions about his party.


Some of us have been revising all the /ee/ sounds, ie as in field, ea as in leaf, e as in behave, y as in baby, ee as in meet, e-e as in Steve.

We have been learning ey as in donkey.

Some of us have been learning the final oa spellings - o_e in stone, o in both, ol in cold and oul in shoulder.

We then moved onto learning the different ow spellings - ow in cow, ou in shout and ough in plough.


We have been revising the different coins and notes that we use in England. We had a discussion about how our coins and notes will soon be changing as the Queen is currently on our money.

We then started to explore equal groups, specifically making doubles.


We read the story of The Widow's Mite. This was when Jesus saw a rich man and a poor woman putting money into the Temple box. We talked about how Jesus was happier with the widow because she had given all that she had left, where as the rich man had more money at home.

We also read the story of The Last Supper and had our own version of a Passover meal together on the carpet.


We used the watercolours to make our own weather painting. We used our science knowledge to choose to make either a sun, rain, cloud or lightning picture.


We made our smoothies! We had so much fun learning how to safely use a knife to chop up fruit and how to use a blender to blend it together. Some of us liked our smoothies, some of us did not!


Next week the reading books will be changed on Thursday.

Year 1 Blog - Friday 15th March 2024

Date: 13th Mar 2024 @ 10:16am

Spring Clip Art - Spring Images

Home Practice

Phonics - ow (oa sound) words OR ea words OR tricky words

Maths - 2s, 5s and 10s counting

Counting - Count in 2s, 5s and 10s starting at different numbers, 12,22,32 and so on.

Reading - Please try to read each night, it makes a big difference!



We are authors! We all wrote our own version of WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE. We took great care to use full stops, capital letters, ambitious vocabulary and to keep our writing on the line. We tried to make our writing look beautiful on every page.

We read our books to the children in Reception, Years 3 and 4. They were impressed and also gave us some great feedback.


Some of us have been revising ee in see, ea in leaf and e_e in Pete.

Some of us have been revising some of the different oa spellings - ow in snow and oe in toe.


We have been counting in the pattern of 2s, 5s and 10s. We have identfied where these patterns are on a hundred square and counted groups of different objects.


We had so much fun learning about Jesus teaching in the Temple. We realised that many people did not like Jesus and believed that He was not the true king. We role played King Herod and the leaders of the land against Jesus and His disciples.


You may have noticed that we have been practising how to upload pictures and videos to Seesaw. We now know how to open the iPad and record evidence of our amazing learning!


We planned our smoothies ready for next week. We chose our fruit and wrote some simple instructions.

Forest School

Some of us have been learning how to plant seeds. 

Some of us practised our knots and made a forest eye.

There was also some super child-initiated learning involving making a stream, cooking with wild garlic and discovering a snail hide-out!


We have really enjoyed having the students from Japan working with us. Their professor, Yuichi, spent lots of time with us in Year 1, finding out how we learn in our school.

We also had a great time with Freddy Fit! He put us all through our paces and taught us about the importance of keeping fit and healthy.

Year 1 Blog- Friday 8th March 2024

Date: 5th Mar 2024 @ 11:22am

Spring Sun Clip Art - Spring Sun Image | Sun clip art, Doodle art flowers, Spring  clipart

Home Practice

Phonics - i_e words OR y (ee sound) words OR ow words

Maths - reading and writing words

Counting - Count in 10s starting at different numbers, 12,22,32 and so on.

Reading - Please try to read each night, it makes a big difference!



For the first part of the week we were rehearsing our Mother's Day assembly. We all tried so hard to speak clearly and confidently. Thank you for coming to see our assembly-we hope you enjoyed it.

Then, we started our new learning through the story of Where The Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak. We discussed the story and all the wonderful characters. We are going to write our own version and make it into a book which we will read to other children in school.


Some of us have been revising ee as in sheep and learning y as in happy. We have also been learning how to pronounce the e as in equal and remind.

Some of us are revising the different igh spellings, we have focused on ie in tie, i_e in time and y in cry.


We have been learning about the properties of 3D shapes such as cubes, cuboids and spheres.


We have been listening to the story of Jesus arriving in Bethlehem, otherwise known as Palm Sunday. We learnt that Jesus was welcomed by some people by them waving palm leaves, but He was not welcomed by everyone. There were some people who were angry and claimed that Jesus was not the king!


We have been learning about how to eat healthily. We learnt about the Eat Well Plate and the different sections (protein, carbohydrates, fats, dairy, fruit and vegetables). We talked about how we need bits from each section but they need to be in proportion.

Forest School

We continued our learning about using tools safely. We used a hammer and a screwdriver. We learnt the difference between a nail and a screw.

Year 1 Blog- Friday 1st March 2024

Date: 29th Feb 2024 @ 6:20pm

March Holidays, Celebrations 2024: Daily, Weekly, Monthly - Parade


Home Practice

Phonics - air words OR ch words (phase 3 recap) OR ai spellings (these are a bit trickier this week!)

Maths -  2D and 3D shape

Counting - Count in 10s starting at different numbers, 12,22,32 and so on.

Reading - Please try to read each night, it makes a big difference!



We have beeen preparing for our Mother's Day assembly which is on Wednesday 6th March at 2.40pm in the hall.

We read the story My Mum by Anthony Browne. We have been writing prayers and descriptions of our mums.


Some of us have been revising ch as in cheese and learning ch as in echo and ch as in chef.

Some of us have been finishing our ai spellings. We looked at eigh in eight, a in acorn and ea in steak.


We have been recapping the various 2D and 3D shapes. We also recapped the mathematical vocabulary of vertices, edges, sides and faces.


We started our weather topic. We watched videos of different weather patterns - sunny, rainy, cloudy and snowy. We then drew our own pictures of each type of weather.


We learnt all about Florence Nightingale and how she is significant. We learnt that Florence helped change the way that hospitals are run and how she taught nurses to prevent diseases from spreading.


We made our Mother's Day cards. We sketched a rose using our spiral technique that we learnt in Autumn term, then painted them.

Forest School

We made soup using water boiled in the Kelly Kettle. We made full use of the new shelter on one of the days when it was raining hard! 


It has been great to talk to you all on the parents nights. Thank you for all your amazing support.




Year 1 Blog- Friday 23rd February 2024

Date: 23rd Feb 2024 @ 12:32pm

Sun Rain Weather Clip Art Stock Illustrations, Cliparts and Royalty Free Sun  Rain Weather Clip Art Vectors

Home Practice

Phonics - split digraph a_e OR ie (ee sound) OR ur words

Maths -  Measurement

Counting - Count in 10s starting at different numbers, 12,22,32 and so on.

Reading - Please try to read each night, it makes a big difference!



We have been learning through the story of Scaredy Squirrel. He is scared of everything outside his nut tree. We drew pictures of what he is scared of and we labelled them. We wrote his new and improved daily routine. We also wrote an exit plan for him. We are trying so hard to write in full sentences.


Some of us have been revising ie as in tie and learning ie as in chief.

Some of us have been learning some of the different ai spellings - ai, ay, ey and a_e.


We have been focusing on using the balance scales to measure mass. We used cubes and 10g weights to weigh different classroom objects.


First we read the story of Zacchaeus. We talked about how meeting Jesus changed his life and how he decided to give back what he had taken.

Then we read the story of Jesus being tempted in the desert. We talked about how Jesus did not listen to the Devil and how he did not eat for 40 days. Miss Fisher tempted us with marshmallows but nobody gave in!

We also wrote our Lenten promises.


We had so much fun making our own medals! We used our plan to see what we would need and then chose how to decorate it.

See some of our pictures here.


We have started to think about the flavour smoothie that we are going to make. We talked about the differences between fruit and vegetables and sorted lots of different objects.

See some of our pictures here.

Forest School

We learnt how to use hammers safely. We used them to knock nails in to wood.

We also went intp the very muddy nature area. The child-initiated learning was briliant-floating and sinking, mixing up mud and water, making a stream, cooking and building dams.

We also explored our new shelters.


Year 1 Blog - Thursday 8th February 2024

Date: 8th Feb 2024 @ 12:44pm

Chinese New Year Clipart Images | Free Download | PNG Transparent  Background - Pngtree

Home Practice

Phonics - ue words OR ow (grow) words OR high-frequency words

Maths - read and write numbers

Counting - Count in 10s starting at different numbers, 12,22,32 and so on.

Reading - Please try to read each night, it makes a big difference!



We continued to read both the traditional Jack and the Beanstalk and the twisted version of Jack and the Baked Beanstalk.

We talked about what can grow tall into the sky and came up with answers such as a sunflower, a fruit tree, and a palm tree. We then planned and wrote our version of Jack and the Beanstalk with a different object being planted.


Some of us have been revising ie in tie and chief and ow in grow and brown.

Some of us have been learning the different oo spellings - oo, ew, u_e, and ue.


We have been learning to count in 2s, 5s and 10s. We have practically made the numbers and then positioned them on a number line.


We read the story of The Call of the Disciples. We made a fish collage and acted out being in the boat with Jesus.


We tested different objects to see if they were absorbent. This was tricky as we had to see if the water soaked into the material or not.


Thank you to everyone who came to our phonics meeting. The PowerPoint is attached below for those who could not make it.

Have a lovely half term!

Year 1 Blog - Friday 2nd February 2024

Date: 30th Jan 2024 @ 11:13am

Sun Behind Rain Cloud | Travel Places - Sky Weather

Home Practice

Phonics -  ey (ee sound) words OR c (s sound) words OR ar words

Maths - counting

Counting - Count in 10s starting at different numbers, 12,22,32 and so on.

Reading - Please try to read each night, it makes a big difference!



We read the traditional tale of Jack and the Beanstalk. We drew some story maps and wrote expanded noun phrases to describe parts of the story.

We even had our own beanstalk growing in the outdoor area!

Then, we read our twisted version - Jack and the Baked Beanstalk. We couldn't believe that a beanstalk grew from a can of baked beans. We compared the twisted version to the traditional version and wrote about the moral of the story - don't judge a book by its cover!


Some of us have been revising c as in coat and learning c as in race. We have also been revising o as in cot and learning o as in mother.

Some of us have been continuing to learn all of the spellings for the ee sound - ee, ea, ie, e_e, y, e and ey.


We have been learning to add 10 to a number. We have been using base 10 equipment to make the numbers.

We have been learning how to subtract 10 from a number.

We have also been learning all the number bonds which make 10, 0 + 10, 1 + 9 and so on.


We talked about how Jesus announced His mission - to bring good news to the poor. We discussed how we could be like Jesus and wrote sentences to say how we can help those who are in need.


We conducted our next experiment - testing to see if different objects were waterproof or not. We used our fine motor skills to squeeze water out of a pipette and observed what happened. If the water did not absorb, the object was waterproof! 

Forest School

We discussed the changes we have noticed as we reach the end of January. We looked at a birds nest and talked about the materials it was made from. We had a go at making a nest.

Year 1 Blog-Friday 26th January 2024

Date: 23rd Jan 2024 @ 11:25am

19,000+ Storm Clipart Stock Illustrations, Royalty-Free Vector Graphics & Clip  Art - iStock

Home Practice

Phonics -  ie (ee sound) OR e_e words OR tricky words

Maths - comparing numbers

Counting - Count in 10s starting at different numbers, 12,22,32 and so on.

Reading - Please try to read each night, it makes a big difference!



We started the week by writing our own newspaper reports. We chose whether to argue that Alexander T Wolf was framed and is innocent or that he was guilty, meaning that he was the big, bad wolf.

Then we read our new twisted tale - The Three Wolves and the The Big, Bad Pig. We found that the characters had swapped roles! We described how the wolves were feeling, wrote speech bubbles for the story and chose our favourite 3 Little Pigs story out of the ones that we have read this half term.


Some of us revised oo as in moon, ew as in chew and learnt the split u-e as in dude and also as in tune.

Some of us revised the different ee spellings - ea in bead, y in funny, ie in priest and ey in key.


We learnt about the tens and the ones in a number, 23 has 2 tens and 3 ones. We then represented these numbers using base 10 equipment.

We have been using correct mathematical vocabulary such as fewer, less, greater, more, equal.


We read the story of Jesus at the Temple when he was 12 years old. We thought about how Mary and Joseph may have felt when they realised that Jesus was not with them, and then compared this to when He was found at the Temple. We also learnt how Jesus became obedient and thought about how we can be obedient too.


We used our creativity this week and used the 'design through making' method for our artwork. This meant that rather than planning a piece of art, we could make any sculpture using the materials that were available. It was great to see a wide variety of scupltures.

Forest School

All of have now boiled water in the Kelly Kettle to make noodles.

We have also participated in imaginative play showing great teamwork, resilience and perseverance.

We also practised our knotting skills when making a forest eye and other items using sticks, wool, pipe cleaners, wire and ribbon.

Year 1 Blog - Friday 19th January 2024

Date: 18th Jan 2024 @ 12:43pm

Snow Cloud Clipart | FREE DOWNLOAD | Pearly Arts

Home Practice

Phonics -  i_e words OR ou (u sound) words OR er words.

Maths - Counting in fives.

Counting - Count in 10s starting at different numbers, 12,22,32 and so on.

Reading - Please try to read each night, it makes a big difference!



We started our new twisted tale - The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. We learnt what a twisted tale is, created a character description of this version of the wolf, became news reporters and then planned our own newspaper report. We chose whether to argue that the wolf is innocent or that he is guilty of blowing the houses down!


Some of us have been learning about split digraphs, o-e as in stone, a-e as in cake, i-e as in time.

Some of us have been learning that the ou digraph makes various sounds, ow in loud, oo in you and u in young.

Click here to sing a phonics song.


We finished our learning about money. We started more learning about number and place value. We have been counting in 10s starting at different numbers, 12,22,32 and so on.

We have been representing numbers up to 100 using base 10, 10 frames and straws.

We have been taking great care to make sure our numbers are formed correctly.


We continued to learn about Jesus being presented at the Temple. This week, we focused on Jesus being the light of the world. We coloured in candles ready for Candlemas and sang the song 'This Little Light of Mine' together.


We used our science knowledge to describe different materials. We sketched them and decided whether they would be suitable to create art with.

Forest School

Two of the groups made noodles by boiling water in the Kelly Kettle, the other two groups will make noodles next week.

We also had a great time finding ice and investigating what we could do with it. Superb child initiated learning.


Online Safety January 2024

Date: 12th Jan 2024 @ 4:14pm

With your children returning to school, it is a great time to review Online Safety in your homes and make sure we are all up to date with developments in the online world. At St Oswald's, all classes will be continuing with their Online Saftety learning where they will learn all about safe practices online in the following areas. 

Self image and identitiy

Online relationships

Online bulllying

Health, Well-being and lifestyle

Online reputation

Managing online information

Copyright and ownership


To access a huge range of information on the National Online Safety website click the link below and join our school online safety hub.You will get access to videos, training and guides to keep you informed of the best practices in keeping your children safe online.

Year 1 Blog-Friday 12th January 2024

Date: 9th Jan 2024 @ 10:56am

Happy New Year | New Year Card

Welcome to your first blog of 2024.

Home Practice

Phonics -  oe words OR y (igh sound) words OR ear words

Maths - Sequencing

Counting - Practise counting in 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s, forwards and backwards from different numbers. For example, start at 20 and count in 5s to 50: 20, 25, 30...

Reading - Please try to read each night, it makes a big difference!



This week, we have been learning all about Traditional Tales. We looked at their different features and chose our favourite tale.

We then read The Three Little Pigs. We talked about which features can be found and made a storyboard.


Some of us have been revising oa as in boat and learning oe as in toe.

Some of us have been learning that y can make different sounds: igh in cry and ee in funny.


We have been learning about money. We identified coins up to 20p. We have also been practising writing the days of the week and the months of the year.


We have been learning about Jesus being presented at the Temple when he was a baby. We listened to a Bible passage about Simeon and Anna and used speech bubbles to show what they said when they saw Jesus.

Forest School

We went for a walk up to the pond to see what changes we could spot. 

We also made bubble wands out of willow and showed great perseverance when blowing bubbles.

Year 1 Blog- Thursday 21st December 2023

Date: 19th Dec 2023 @ 11:16am

Personalised Happy Christmas Nativity Card — Meaningful Chocolate

We have had a really exciting week.


On Monday, we watched the All Hallows Roadshow. There were many amazing performances of singing, dancing and playing instruments.

On Tuesday, we went into church for the Christingle service which was beautifully lead by Year 6.

On Wednesday, we had a special assembly for Mr Mears before he leaves for Australia.

On Thursday, we had our last golden assembly of the term.


Have a happy and holy Christmas and New Year.

Thank you for all your great support.


Keep reading!


Year 1 Blog- Friday 15th December 2023

Date: 12th Dec 2023 @ 5:27pm


Nativity Clipart Stock Illustrations – 1,142 Nativity Clipart Stock  Illustrations, Vectors & Clipart - Dreamstime

Thank you for coming to see our Nativity. The children all performed beautifully-there was great energy in church!

Home Practice

Phonics -  ch words OR ew words OR ur words

Maths - Quarters

Counting - Practise counting in 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s, forwards and backwards from different numbers. For example, start at 20 and count in 5s to 50: 20, 25, 30...

Reading - Please try to read each night, it makes a big difference!



We read the story 'Harvey Slumfenburger's Christmas Present'. We talked in partners about all the different ways that Father Christmas travelled to deliver Harvey's present. We then drew pictures and labelled them.


Some of us have been revising oo as in zoo, ue as in glue and we learnt ew as in screw.

Some of us have been learning that the ch digraph can make a variety of sounds - ch in church, c in chorus and sh in chef.


We continued our fractions learning by exploring quarters. We made quarters using coloured paper and identified quarters in shapes.

Click here to see some photos.


We recognised how Mary and Elizabeth waited for the arrival of their babies. We acted out the sharing of the good news.

DT and Art

We printed our Christmas card and made our mechanism so that it could move. Some of us made a slider card and some of us made a lever card.

Forest School

We chose our own learning; there was shelter building, mud cooking, worm hunting, twig crafting, imaginative role playing and  leaf identifying. We found some snails and wanted to find out if they were hibernating.

Click to see some photos.

Dogs Trust

We has a visit from Sam. She taught us how to be safe around dogs and how to treat them well so that they have a happy life.

Rock Steady

We had an amazing assembly on Friday. We watched and joined in with Jacob as he played the drums, bass guitar and a keyboard. We nearly lifted the roof off with our singing! Please see the letter your child has brought home today for more details.

Year 1 Blog - Friday 8th December 2023

Date: 6th Dec 2023 @ 11:11am



Home Practice

Phonics -  wh words OR ea (e sound) words OR oi words

Maths - counting in tens

Counting - Practise counting in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s, forwards and backwards from different numbers. For example, start at 20 and count in 5s to 50: 20, 25, 30...

Reading - Please try to read each night, it makes a big difference!



We read the story of Traction Man Meets Turbo Dog. We have written sentences about the story.


Some of us have been revising w as in win and learning wh as in whizz. Some of us have been learning ea in bread and the short uh in after.


We have been learning about fractions of a whole.

We have been counting in 2s, 5s and 10s from different starting numbers.


We have recognised the importance of the advent wreath and the liturgical calendar.


We have identified what animals need to survive.

Forest School

We made a Christmas decoration using a piece of willow. We made it into a triangle shape and fastened it together with wire. We persevered as sometimes tying the knots was tricky. While we were making our decorations, we made hot chocolate with marshmallows in the Kelly Kettle.

Click here for photos.

Year 1 Blog - Friday 1st December 2023

Date: 28th Nov 2023 @ 6:19pm

December Stock Illustrations – 1,015,904 December Stock Illustrations,  Vectors & Clipart - Dreamstime

Welcome to your Friday blog.


Traction Man Is Here, 0224064959, Grey, Mini, Excellent Book 9780224064958  | eBay


We started learning through a new book, TRACTION MAN IS HERE by Mini Grey. Traction Man goes on all kinds of adventures around the house.

Will he escape the clutches of Evil Professor Spade?

Will his trusty friend Scrubbing Brush come to the rescue?

What happens when the Scissor Shark reaches them?

We discussed all the very detailed pictures in the book and drew the characters-even the most ordinary scrap of bacon in the sink is a character in this story! Traction Man wrote us a letter and asked us about our favourite parts of the story. 

We made puppets and used different voices. We told part of the story to our class using the puppets.

We wrote sentences describing what was happening in the pictures. We read our sentences out to the class. We are trying so hard to include finger spaces, capital letters and full stops in our writing. 

Listen to and watch the story here.

Tricky word song. Click here. Practise writing these words.

Home - Butterfly Books


Some of us have been revising oo as in zoo and learning ue as in glue.

Some of us have been learning ow in snow, and ie in chief.


Free Clipart Maths Symbols | Free Images at - vector clip art  online, royalty free & public domain


We started the week by investigating how we could sort objects by different criteria. We learnt the phrase 'in common' to see what was the same about each group.

Then we started our fractions topic. We learnt the words 'part' and 'whole' in the context of fractions, rather than number. We made a house, which was our whole, then identified the windows, doors and roof as being parts of the whole house. We even learnt the word 'denominator' which was quite hard to say! We focused on sharing equally between two people, which meant that we were finding a half.


Download Baptism Symbols Png - Baptism Images Clip Art - Full Size PNG  Image - PNGkit


We had a final baptism respond session to celebrate all of the learning that we have done this half term. We recapped why baptisms are important, the symbols used in a baptism and listened to the Bible passage about Jesus' baptism again. We coloured in a picture of a baptism and took them home.


Polly Pockets Vintage Pretty Bunnies Playset Bluebird Complete With Figures  | eBay  Bandai Tamagotchi Original Paradise Shell | Tamagotchi Original Cyber Pet  90s Adults And Kids Toy With Chain | Retro Virtual Pets Are Great Boys And  Girls Toys Or Gifts For Ages 8+ :


This week, we explored the toys that our caregivers (parents and who looks after us) used to play with when they were younger. We looked at Polly Pockets, Tamagotchi, Trolls and Hungry Hippos to name just a few. We thought about whether we would want to play with them now or not. Then we got the chance to play with some toys from the museum. We recognised that these toys were older than our parents' toys because they were made out of wood.

If your child was in the history lesson this week, they will have come home with a sheet to fill out with your help. This is all about their older relatives' (Grandmas/Grandads) favourite toy when they were little. We will be exploring even older toys next week.

Please only fill this out if you can. Do not worry if you will not be seeing grandparents before next Thursday.


Butterfly Life Cycle Vector Art, Icons, and Graphics for Free Download


Year 1 were so lucky to have Mrs Robinson teach our science lesson this week! She was so impressed with how much everyone has grown up.

We learnt about lifecycles and how animals change and grow over time. We focused on the lifecycle of a butterfly and drew pictures of the changes.


Years 1/2


We made our own simple slider using the story of The Gingerbread Man. The characters from the story could chase the gingerbread man!


Flower Clip Art Stock Photos - Free Download With Trial | Shutterstock


We used pencils to draw flowers onto the foreground of our handprint pictures. Then to make them stand out, we went over our lines with sharpies and whiteboard pens.


White Laptop Screen Vector Design Images, Laptop With The Word Safety On  The Screen, Improve, Corporate, Risk PNG Image For Free Download


We had a technology safety lesson all about how to behave when using the laptops and iPads in school. We made our own posters to teach others about what to do and what not to do.




This week in French, we recapped the colours we learned in last lesson.The children remembered these very well and some children remembered that the t in vert and violet, the c in blanc and the s in gris are not pronounced. After watching and saying which colour parrot flew past, we coloured in the pictures of the parrots and feathers on the pirate hats to show the right colour. We finished the lesson with a game of Splat! Fastest person to point to the colour we heard.


Nativity Silhouette - (Pack of 10) - Christian Christmas Cards


We continued to learn the songs for our Christmas Nativity. We played the rhythms on the claves and wood blocks.


Clay face sculptures forest school craft - NurtureStore

Forest School

We made clay faces. First, we collected natural items in the nature area. We found berries, twigs, leaves, stones and moss. We worked the clay into a circle shape and found a tree with rough bark as we discovered the clay stuck better to these trunks. We designed our own clay face. There was great imagination and creativity shown. 

In our second session we chose our own learning. We built shelters and hammocks, designed and made booby traps, cooked some delicious muddy food and tied knots. we didn't mind the very cold weather. We showed amazing imagination, teamwork, perseverance, resilience and determination. 


Style Bright Orange | Yarwood Leather

Thank you for all the items which you have sent in for the orange Christmas hamper-it's looking like a great prize already!


Home Practice (Sumdog)

Phonics - ue words OR ow (oa sound) words OR ow words

Maths - halves

Counting - Practise counting in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s, forwards and backwards from different numbers. For example, start at 20 and count in 5s to 50: 20, 25, 30...

Reading - Please try to read each night, even for just five minutes, it makes a big difference!

Year 1 Blog - Friday 24th November 2023

Date: 23rd Nov 2023 @ 12:16pm

Friends / Friendship - Kids Drawing /illustration Stock Vector -  Illustration of brother, friendship: 54955534

Welcome to your Friday blog.


The Man on the Moon | BookWormMum


We continued to write our own story about Bob, the astronaut. We used our story plan to write a book. Every author needs an audience so we read our books to the children in Reception and Year 3. They gave us some great feedback which we can put into practise to improve our writing even more. We really tried hard with our handwriting and to write in complete sentences.

Please practise writing your tricky words correctly.


Some of us were learning oy as in toy and oi as in coin, igh as in night and ie as in tie, ou as in sound and ow as in cow.

Some of us have been learning g in giant, u in human and some more high frequency words such as mouse, many and because.

Sing the oi song.

Sing the oy song.


Year 2 Make Equal Groups Grouping Game | Classroom Secrets Kids


This week we have been counting groups of objects in 2s and 5s. Practise counting in 2s and 5s forwards and backwards from different starting points.

Count in 2s song.

We have also been learning about repeating patterns and making our own.

We have revised some of our previous learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We named the shapes and recalled their properties.

Play Level 1 of the shape reveal game.


Hand Drawn Love Hd Transparent, God Loves Your Hand Drawn Illustrations, Jesus  Clipart, Embrace, Illustrations PNG Image For Free Download


We have had our RSHE week. We talked about how our families and God love us and what they do to show their love. We wrote thank you sentences to the special people in our lives.


Animal Classification – LEARNEX


We learnt all about the different diets that animals can have. We recapped the words carnivore, herbivore and omnivore from reception, then sorted different animals into each group.


Pop Up Stock Illustrations – 22,239 Pop Up Stock Illustrations, Vectors &  Clipart - Dreamstime


We started our Autumn term DT topic of mechanisms - how parts move and work together. We explored different books to see how they move. We read pop-up books, books with sliders and books with levers.


Robot Dance PNG Transparent Images Free Download | Vector Files | Pngtree


All of year one were absolutely amazing in PE this week. Each group created half of their robot dance, which had to include robot movements that we could all do at the same time. We had some great ideas!


Pc Keyboard Clip Art at - vector clip art online, royalty free &  public domain


We continued practising our typing skills, both on laptops and iPads. We wrote simple sentences that had to include a finger space, this was so we could practise using the spacebar key on the keyboard.


Premium Vector | Babies and their toys clipart set


After playing with our present-day toys last week, this week we talked about the toys that we had as a baby. We identified our favourite toy and stated whether this had changed since then, or remained the same. We also learnt that our baby toys are usually made of safer materials, such as wood, compared to our present-day toys which tend to be made of plastic.

If your child was in the history lesson this week, they will have come home with a sheet to fill out with your help. This is all about your favourite toy when you were little. We will be exploring toys from before they were born next week.


Handprint clipart images and royalty-free illustrations |  School Edition


We started to produce our final printing piece of work. We printed our handprints onto cardboard ready to be decorated next week. We learnt about the difference between background and foreground of a picture and how they need to compliment each other.


Campfire Bread on a Stick Recipe - Vegan on Board


Forest School

This week we cooked bread on a stick. We remembered our rules about how to keep safe around the fire. Mrs Corbett had already made the dough out of flour, sugar and water. We had to find a suitable stick that was long enough and strong enough to hold the dough. We rolled our ball of dough into a long sausage shape and wrapped it securly around our stick. We cooked the bread in the embers of the fire. We noticed it changed colour as it was cooking. We had to be patient.When it was cooked we put jam, chocolate spread or butter on it. It was delicious!

All of us had a go at the cooking and some of us had an extra session. We chose our own learning in the nature area.


Thank you to everyone who has already donated items for our Christmas hamper. Our class colour is orange so if you can, please donate any items that are orange (chocolate orange, orange shower gel etc). Thank you!


Home Practice (Sumdog)

Phonics - igh words OR oy words OR g (j sound) words

Maths - counting in fives

Counting - Practise counting in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s, forwards and backwards from different numbers. For example, start at 20 and count in 5s to 50: 20, 25, 30...


Year 1 Blog - Friday 17th November 2023

Date: 15th Nov 2023 @ 3:55pm

Children in Need set to benefit from school non-uniform day – Giles Academy

Welcome to your Friday blog.



This week we have been learning through another story about Bob and how he finds himself a best ever pet. We designed and described alien pets. We labelled a space theme menu- our ideas were great. We wrote sentences about what Bob likes to do with his pet. Then, we planned a story about Bob and today we started to write our books- we are authors! We will read our books to the children in Year 3.

Phonics Family - Split Digraph Rainbows 🌈 I thought this... | Facebook


Some of us have been learning ou as in shout and revising ow as in cow.

Some of us have started to explore the alternative pronunciations that letters can make. We have been learning i in wild, o in both and in won, and c in face.

Sing the ou song.

Sing the ow song.

Where did maths mastery come from?


We've had a very busy week and we have done a lot of maths learning. First we completed four different learning checks to see how much we have learnt, we found these quite tricky but we persevered. 

Then, we did some arithmetic questions together. We will be doing these once a week from now on so that we become more confident mathematicians.


Freddy Fit - High View Primary Learning Centre


We all had a great time with Freddy Fit. We practised our throwing and did many different exercises to music. Freddy was very impressed with our listening and our participation.


Family Picnic In Park Royalty Free SVG, Cliparts, Vectors, and Stock  Illustration. Image 14562942.


We read a lovely story about how we have different special people in our lives. We talked about how everyone is different and then drew pictures of what we do with our families, such as going to the park and eating out together.


Jesus Baptism Stock Illustrations – 12,444 Jesus Baptism Stock  Illustrations, Vectors & Clipart - Dreamstime


We learnt all about Jesus' baptism in the River Jordan. We read a story and wrote simple sentences about what happened.


Farm Animals Stock Illustrations – 70,761 Farm Animals Stock Illustrations,  Vectors & Clipart - Dreamstime


We learnt how to sort animals into groups using different criteria. For example, animals that can fly and animals that cannot. Miss Fisher even allowed us to write on the tables to sort them!

See our pictures here.

629,200+ Toys Illustrations, Royalty-Free Vector Graphics & Clip Art -  iStock | Toy box, Toy robot, Toy store


We had so much fun exploring our own modern day toys. We sorted them into groups and had a great time playing with them together.

See our pictures here.


Fruit and Vegetable Prints | Kids' Crafts | Fun Craft Ideas |


This week, we printed with different fruit and vegetables. We found that apples made a brilliant print and that broccoli was the trickiest to use.


French Lesson 2 - Colors in French Colours Vocabulary Masculine Feminine  Pronunciation Les couleurs - YouTube


We learned how to say some colours in French. Rouge = red, bleu = blue, jaune = yellow, orange = orange, vert = green, rose = pink, violet = purple, marron = brown, blanc = white, gris = grey, and noir = black. We then pointed to different things in the classroom when we heard the French colour being said and then listened to the Mr French ‘Les Couleurs’ song to help us.

Ferndale Primary School and Nursery - Music


We started to learn the fourth and fifth songs for our Nativity. We revised the first three songs from last lesson, then clapped, tapped and played the rhythms on our instruments. We enjoyed singing our song Rhythm in the way we walk and discussing what a rhythm is.

Bunch Of Wooden Sticks Lying Down Royalty Free SVG, Cliparts, Vectors, and  Stock Illustration. Image 38294255.

Forest School

In our first session Storm Debbie was about so we stayed in the lodge. We practiced fastening sticks together by a technique called lashing. Some of us made the initial letter of our name. We also made forest eyes and other objects. We discovered that we had to keep the wool tight to securely fasten the sticks together. Super perseverance was shown.

We went into the nature area for our other session. We played a few games of "Hide the Hedgehog", then we chose our own learning. There was very busy learning including tree wrapping, tree climbing, cooking, restaurants, den building and games. 

Foxton Centre To Hold Big PNE Sleep Out Information Evening On Tuesday -  News - Preston North End


Help the homeless – Foxton Centre Big PNE Sleepout Friday 17th November 

Miss Smith and Mrs Dexter are sleeping by the football pitch at PNE’s Deepdale Stadium this Friday 17th November. This is to raise money for a day centre called The Foxton Centre who provide food and warmth to the homeless people of Preston. Miss Smith and Mrs Dexter will sleep on cardboard and will only have with them what they can carry. This will give them an insight into how difficult it is for people sleeping on the streets, particularly as the nights are getting colder. We are all fortunate that we have food and somewhere warm to go to sleep every night, this is not the case for some people in Preston. Miss Smith and Mrs Dexter are asking for sponsorship, any donation would go a long way to help Preston’s vulnerable homeless community.  

You can read more and donate here:


Home Practice (Sumdog)

Phonics - ou words OR or words OR split digraph o_e words

Maths - counting within 20

Counting - Practise counting in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s, forwards and backwards from different numbers. For example, start at 20 and count in 5s to 50: 20, 25, 30...

Year 1 Blog - Friday 10th November 2023

Date: 8th Nov 2023 @ 5:26pm


Why is Remembrance Day important?

Welcome to your Friday blog. Thank you for supporting the Poppy appeal.


Man on the Moon | Simon Bartram,Simon Bartram | 9781840114911 | AwesomeBooks


This week we have been learning through the story of Bob. Bob is an astronaut who works on the moon. We discussed all the jobs Bob has to do in his day. We wrote sentences describing Bob . We also designed and labelled a rocket. We made a poster asking for any information about aliens (Bob doesn't believe aliens exist!) Bob visited us and we asked him questions about his day.

Listening Ears

On Thursday morning all the infants had a special treat. We were visited by an author called Rachel Walmsley. She read her book to us and some of us even went out to the front of the hall to wear a pair of animal ears.

We had a great time and she was very impressed with all our listening ears!

Coming Soon – First Minister's Reading Challenge – Smithton Primary School


Some of us have been learning about syllables in words. We clapped them, for example, garden has 2 syllables, gar and den, so we clapped twice. We clapped out the syllables in our names and other words such as paintbrush, lunchbox.

Some of us have continued to learn the split digraphs - split digraph u_e making an oo sound in rule and yoo sound in cute.

We have also been practising reading our tricky words. Please practise reading these at home. These words need to be recognised on sight.

If your child can read them, practise writing them. When your child has mastered their words, ask us for some more.


Girl Thinking Clipart Vector Images (over 470)


This week we have been learning how to measure mass by weighing using a pan balance. We compared the mass of two objects.

We have been learning about 2-D and some 3-D shapes and their properties. 


Bible Characters Abraham Images - Free Download on Freepik


We first learnt about two Jewish leaders - Abraham and Moses. We learnt about the promises that they made to God and how they are important to Jewish people.

Then, we learnt all about the symbols seen at a baptism. We identified the symbols and tried to explain what they represent.

On Monday, we were visited by Bishop Tom Neylon. He came to see us in our classrooms and was impressed with our learning.


Robot walking clipart. Free download transparent .PNG | Creazilla


We recapped how to move like a robot and then played robot relays. We had to move across the room like a robot in a certain environment, such as a robot in space or a robot going through a narrow tunnel! We then took it in turns to travel like a robot and we had to copy the leader of the line.


Family Clip Art Images – Browse 89,712 Stock Photos, Vectors, and Video |  Adobe Stock


We identified the special people in our lives and drew a picture of them. We explained why they are special and what they do for us.


Drag & Drop Icons - Free SVG & PNG Drag & Drop Images - Noun Project


We used the laptops and iPads to drag and drop items. This was quite easy for us so then we tried to complete simple coding exercises.


Vintage Bop It Extreme 2 Push and Pull Game by Hasbro 1990s - Etsy UK


We started our toys topic by investigating some toys from the past. Miss Fisher brought in some of her favourite toys from her childhood and we became history detectives, deciding what materials they were made from and whether the toys could move or not.

Next week we will be investigating present day toys, so please remember to bring one of your toys into school on Thursday 16th November.


An Easy Sponge Printing Activity for Preschoolers - Doing The Mum Thing


We explored the art technique of printing using paint. Half of us had a go at sponge printing using pre-cut sponges. The rest of the class will have a go next week.


Forest School

In our first session we made popcorn. We made sure that we could remember Firey Fox's fire safety rules.

We watched as the adult made the fire and lit it using a flint and steel. We cooked the popcorn in a special pan and described the changes we could see. It was delicious!

In our second session we listened to a story called "Robin's Winter Song". It was about the changing seasons. We discussed how we can look after the birds in Winter. In our nature area we made bird feeders on skewers by threading fruit and cheerios. This activity developed our fine motor skills and our concentration. We hung them in the trees as high up as we could. 

We also had time for our own play.


French Greetings - How are you? | Teaching Resources


We recapped how to respond to ‘Comment ҫa va?’. We listened to and joined in with the Lingobox Learning ‘French ҫa va song’. We learned how to say ‘ҫa va très bien’, ‘ҫa va bien’, ‘comme ci, comme ҫa’ and ‘ҫa va mal’. We also decided which phrase we would use for different scenarios.


Kids Singing Stock Clipart | Royalty-Free | FreeImages


We started to learn the first three songs for our Nativity. We clapped, tapped and played the rhythms on our instruments.


Home Practice (Sumdog)

Phonics - qu words OR compound words OR split i_e words

Maths - 2D and 3D shapes

Counting - Practise counting in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s, forwards and backwards from different numbers. For example, start at 20 and count in 5s to 50: 20, 25, 30...

Year 1 Blog - Friday 3rd November 2023

Date: 2nd Nov 2023 @ 8:25am

Hello November Stock Illustrations – 8,623 Hello November Stock  Illustrations, Vectors & Clipart - Dreamstime

Welcome to your first blog of the Autumn 2 half term.


Aliens Love Underpants! - The Poetry Bookshop


This week we have been learning through the story of Aliens Love Underpants. We designed and described a pair of pants. We drew our own alien and described it in simple sentences. We wrote lists, found out some facts about space in non-fiction books and drew our own alien story plan.

Solar System facts song. Click here.


Some of us have been learning about words such as scruff and string. 

Some of us have been learning about the split digraphs - e_e in Steve, i_e in slime and o_e in stone.

Sing a split e-e song.Split i-e song.Split o-e song.


Balancing Scales Clipart | Free Images at - vector clip art  online, royalty free & public domain


We started our measurement topic and learnt about different ways that we can measure length and height. We learnt that we can even measure objects using our body! 

We then learnt how to measure mass using the balance scales. We used the words heavier and lighter to compare the mass.


149,300+ Forest Animals Illustrations, Royalty-Free Vector Graphics & Clip  Art - iStock | Cute forest animals, Baby forest animals, Forest animals  vector


This week, we went searching for animals around the school grounds. We quickly found that the rain was forcing the animals to hide, so we didn't see a lot!


Robot Dancing Dance Ai Cute Illustration Retro Freehand Free Hand Drawing Clipart  Clip Art Artwork Quirky Vector Stock Illustrations – 47 Robot Dancing Dance  Ai Cute Illustration Retro Freehand Free Hand Drawing


We started our new dance unit this week. We are going to be learning how to dance like a robot! We copied some videos and practised moving around the room like a robot.


Baby Baptism Clipart Vector, Cartoon Style Baby Baptism Clipart, Baby  Clipart, Baptism, Clipart PNG Image For Free Download


We continued to learn about a baptism. We watched a video of a real baptism and drew our own pictures of one. We then talked about how a baptism is important in Christian life.


Technology Clipart Vector Art, Icons, and Graphics for Free Download


We learnt about a new word - technology. We learnt what that meant and went on a technology hunt around the classroom.


70_Illustrated gunpowder plot.indd


We learnt all about Bonfire Night and Guy Fawkes. We then made our own firework pictures using either pastels or chalk on black card. They looked so good!




We went outside to collect different leaves and made our own leaf rubbings. We made sure that we chose different leaves, that were flat and dry.


Les Couleurs poster - French colours poster | Teaching Resources


This week in French, it was Halloween! We discussed whether some facts about Halloween in France were vrai o faux, we learned some vocabulary for typical Halloween things and were able to match the French words to the correct English meaning. We then had a chance to choose a Halloween character and complete a ‘colour by number’ in French.


Musical Instruments Clipart - young-boy-musician-playing-musical-instrument- tambourine-clipart - Classroom Clipart


We started to learn a new song, Rhythm in the way we walk. Looked at what is a rhythm, clapped and copied rhythms with hands, then with tambourines and tambours.

We then listened to The Nutcracker by Tchaikovsky.


How to make worry dolls - Sense


Forest School

This week we did some whittling with vegetable peelers. We used balsa wook as it is very soft. We made sure we used the peelers safely and we made some interesting shapes. We had to persevere as it took a few tries to get the hang of it.  In the future, we will use these new skills to make objects out of sticks.

In our other session we played a hiding game in the nature area then made some yarn dolls. We needed to use our knot tying skills and we came up with some very imaginative creations. We helped each other and showed perseverance and concentration.


Home Practice (Sumdog)

Phonics - ear words OR igh words OR split e_e words

Maths - Measurement

Counting - Practise counting in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s, forwards and backwards from different numbers,



Year 1 Blog - Thursday 19th October

Date: 18th Oct 2023 @ 3:43pm

The days start to draw in: Today marks the beginning of autumn – Weather  News

Welcome to your last blog of this half term.

Winnie and Wilbur - Oxford Owl for Home


This week we have been learning through the story of Winnie the Witch. We learnt about her house, her family and her pet cat, Wilbur. Our ingredients for our magic potions were very imaginative. We also learnt about rhyming words and we drew a story map.  We worked together in small groups to design a new house for Winnie.

As part of our poetry day celebrations we learnt a poem called The Grass House by Shirley Hughes. We devised all the actions ourselves and performed it as a class in Golden Assembly. Ask your child if they could perform it for you.


Some of us have been learning about words such as string, spring and splat where we have to say each sound.

Some of us have learnt au in launch and a_e in cake.

We have been learning to write tricky words.

Click here for a spooky tricky word song.


Addition and subtraction using part-whole models - Maths - Learning with  BBC Bitesize - BBC Bitesize


We have been using practical equipment to learn about subtraction. The whole is 12, we subtract 5, how many are left? 7 and 5 are the parts and 12 is the whole. We recorded this in a number sentence.

Please practise counting in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s.

We have also been learning about the number bonds which make 10.

Sing the number bond song. Click here.


40,300+ Dirty Hands Illustrations, Royalty-Free Vector Graphics & Clip Art  - iStock | Dirty hands close up, Washing dirty hands, Kids dirty hands


This week, we learnt how to keep our bodies healthy. We watched a cool video about how washing our hands keeps us clean and free from germs. We then did a 'germs' experiement to show that germs do not like clean hands, they run away from them! We also did a Joe Wicks video to raise our heart rates.


Baptism | My Site 8472


We continued to learn about belonging and learnt that we all belong to our school church. We started to learn about a baptism and who is present. We labelled a picture of a baptism and talked about what happens.


Transparent Sketchbook Png - Sketch Pad Clipart, Png Download , Transparent  Png Image - PNGitem


On Monday, we painted a physical version of our digital sunflower (from Computing last week). We hung these around the classroom as they were great!

Then on Thursday, we sketched different objects from around the classroom. We started by sketched toy animals and then we chose our own object to sketch.


Numbers 1-10


 We recapped the numbers 1-10 again. We then counted our Pirate friends’ treasure and matched some counting cards with their coins or parrots to the correct digit. We could all do this in French with each other! We have worked really hard this half term, recapping and learning French Greetings and numbers 1-10. Next half term, we will be ready to have some new sessions about classroom labels, family, fruits, colours and farm animals (after we’ve learned about French Halloween!).

Boomwhackers BWEG 7-Note Treble Extension Set


We did some warm up games, clapping rhythms of our favourite foods. We sang Hey You, learning all the actions and choosing which instruments to play. We played the boom whackers to Incy Wincy spider. 


Hot Chocolate Hand Drawn 15321581 PNG

Forest School

This week we used a new piece of equipment,our Kelly Kettle. We talked about being safe around the fire. We went into the nature area to collect sticks and twigs to fuel our fire. We made sure the twigs were dry and not too big. The water didn't take long to get warm and we all enjoyed some delicious hot chocolate.

In our other session we had a go at building shelters. We used ropes, traps, tent pegs, mats and clasps. We showed amazing teamwork and resilience as well as great communication.

Click here for photos.


Home Practice (Sumdog)

Phonics - Split a_e words OR ee words OR tricky words

Maths - Problem questions

Counting - Practise counting in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s, forwards and backwards from different numbers,



Thank you to everyone who came to Parents' Evening. We enjoyed talking to you about your child. Thanks also for all your brilliant support.

Have a lovely half term and we'll see you on Monday 30th October.


Year 1 Blog - Friday 13th October 2023

Date: 10th Oct 2023 @ 5:43pm

Autumn Equinox: When Does UK Autumn Start in 2023?

Welcome to your Friday blog.

Percy The Park Keeper - Castle Bromwich Hall Gardens


We have been learning through the stories of Percy The Park Keeper. We built new houses for the animals out of Lego and described them. We wrote about how Percy helps the animals in his park. There are many stories about Percy and we had a good look at all of them. We also wrote descriptions about what kind of person Percy is.

Phase 3 Phonics Sound Mat - letters + sounds - Printable Teaching Resources  - Print Play Learn


We have all been revising all our Phase 3 sounds.

Some of us have been learning about words that have separate sounds, such as plants and frost.

Some of us have been learning about ph as in elephant and ew as in screw.


Progression in Calculations


We have been using part whole models to solve addition and subtraction number sentences. We used our maths manipulatives (such as cubes and counters) in the part whole models and then wrote the corresponding number next to them. 

We also started to learn about fact families and how the same three numbers can be swapped around to form another number sentence.


St Oswald's Catholic Primary School: Year 1: Blog items


As it was raining, we went inside and learnt how to play benchball. Everyone used their listening ears brilliantly and joined in with the throwing and catching.

Premium Vector | Jesus hugging a little boy feeling love and care in the  arms of the savior


We started our new RE topic about belonging. We wrote sentences about what it means to belong to a group and then drew pictures of how Jesus helped others to belong by showing them love.


Spiral Shell Clip art | Drawings, Ammonite, Coloring pages


We focused on the spiral shape within shells this week. We sketched a picture of a shell from the board and then used a real shell to see the difference. It was great to see such amazing focusing!


File:Sunflower clip art.svg - Wikipedia


We made our own sunflower digital art using on dots. We used the paintbrush tool for the dots instead of simply using the fill tool.


Ordnance Survey on X: "Have you seen our #map symbol flashcards? Print them  out & test your kids' skills - or print two packs for a game of  #geography snap! (PDF) #


We learnt about ordnance survey symbols and how they are important on maps. We found out that maps need pictures because words would take up too much space! We drew our own maps on big sheets and stuck on some symbols with glue.


15,800+ Police Investigation Illustrations, Royalty-Free Vector Graphics & Clip  Art - iStock | Police investigation board, Police investigation wall,  Police investigation room


We conducted our own investigation to answer the question: do people with bigger feet have bigger hands? We found out that sometimes they do, but not all of the time, as one of us had the biggest feet and someone else had the biggest hands.


DIY Leaf Mobile - Make a Leaf Mobile - Soul Flower Blog

Forest School

In our first session we practised tying a simple overhand knot. We used strawberry laces. We tied them to a paper straw and then ate the lace!

In the nature area we found interesting natural objects and tied these to a stick using the knot we had practised. Our own Autumn mobile was created!

Great perseverance was shown.

For our second session we made our own choices. On one day we went into the nature area and explored, made dens, found mini beasts and played games. On the other day we went around the log circle for our child- initiated learning.


Parents' Evening

It was lovely to speak to you if you had an appointment on Thursday this week

We are looking forward to our appointments next Tuesday.


Home Practice (Sumdog)

Phonics - ow words OR wh words OR th words

Maths - subtraction

Counting - Practise counting in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s, forwards and backwards from different numbers,




Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
