Year 1 Home Learning Monday 11th January 2021

Date: 8th Jan 2021 @ 3:08pm

Good morning everyone. We hope you all had a safe weekend. All the home learning you have uploaded onto Seesaw is fantastic! We are really impressed with everything you are doing! Don't forget if you need to borrow an iPad please contact the school office. You can also collect exercise books from the foyer too.

We will also be making some quick checking in phone calls this week just to see how everything is going at home.

                           Today we will be learning Phonics, English, Maths, Science and R.E.


Today we are going to look at our o_e sound and our oa sound. Have a look at Geraldine learning these sounds by clicking the links below!

Can you think of any other words with these sounds? Write them in your book and use one or two to write a super sounds sentence.

Geraldine learns the split o_e sound                Geraldine learns the middle oa sound

We have also created a new spelling challenge on Sumdog for this week. These words all contain a long o sound. (The end ow, the middle oa, the split o_e and the letter o) Answer as many as you can. Remember practise makes perfect!


We are continuing with our story of Sidney the Spider this week. Read or listen to the story again and think about Sidney's shed. Draw your own shed and include lots of places where Sidney and the other spiders could hide. Complete the sentences. Remember your Think Pinks!

Add a photo of your writing to Seesaw for us to give some feedback and support. 


This week we will be looking at Subtraction strategies. Follow the link on Subtraction, Taking away, crossing out. Work through this video lesson. We've covered this strategy before so remember to draw your dots to help you. Complete the worksheet below, making sure all your numbers are written correctly. We have been very impressed at all the maths learning we've seen on Sumdog and Seesaw. Keep it up!

We have set a subtraction challenge on Sumdog this week. Remember that these challenges are there to promote fluency and consolidation of learning. Once completed, the maths training area will provide more challenge and cover areas for development, where your child isn't as accurate or fluent.


Today we are looking again at everyday materials. We really enjoyed finding lots of different materials around our classroom on Friday and we loved seeing all your learning at home. Super sorting! For our learning today we will be looking at our items and sort them into their materials. Complete the activities set below. Explain what you know about your items. How do you know its made from wood? Are there any items made from more that one material?

Add a photo of your learning to Seesaw for us to give some feedback. 


The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple

We are looking at the story of when Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the Temple. Read the story, talk about and answer the questions.

Well done on completing your home learning today.

Continue to read for 10 minutes everyday. Visit our eLibrary at Oxford Owl in the home learning button on the class page and if you would like some more reading books, contact the school office.

We look forward to seeing all your amazing learning on Seesaw!

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Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
