Year 1 Home Learning Friday 22nd January 2021

Date: 20th Jan 2021 @ 11:10am

Welcome to your Friday learning Year 1. We continue to be impressed with all your learning on Seesaw. We love watching the videos of you reading, doing gymnastics, performing puppet shows and role playing stories. We are seeing the progress you are all making. 


Try to read every day. It is so important. For your reading challenge today we would like you to do some predicting before you read a new book. Look at the book cover and the blurb on the back of the book – What do you think this book will be about?  What do you think will happen next? What makes you think this? Record some of your ideas to Seesaw.


This week we have looked at all the long I sounds. Well done to everyone who completed the challenges set and had a go at the spelling and words challenge on Sumdog.

Daily practise of word building will help with fluency in reading as well as with spelling.

Today we'd like you to have a go at spotting all the long I sounds you can find in your sounds spotter challenge. Use a different colour for each sound. Can you then write out your words and choose three to write a super sounds sentence? Remember to use you neatest handwriting and stay on the lines.

We have also added all the phonics videos from this week to watch below.


Every night Sayeeda writes a diary about her day. She writes about what she has in her treasure chest, where she's been on her galleon, the jobs she has to do and many other things pirates get up to.Imagine you are Sayeeda and you are writing in your diary.

Talk to your grown up about what you've done today as Sayeeda. Write your diary entry on the sheet. You could use some of the words you collected on Wednesday.

Remember your Think Pinks and upload a photo of your diary entry to Seesaw.

Here's another pirate song to get you in the mood!


Keep counting. Have a look back at all our counting songs. Can you make up a counting song of your own? Maybe you could count down in 2s? Start at a different number?

Today we are continuing our learning on subtraction and counting back through 10. Watch the video on Crossing 10 (1) here and complete the work sheet attached.

If you would like to do a little bit extra here is an extra lesson on subtraction - crossing 10 (2) (Worksheet attached below)

Well done to everyone who has completed our Sumdog challenge. We are sure you are impressing everyone with how quick you are getting at remembering your number facts! Keep it up!


Follow the instructions to make your pirate ship collage. Use whatever materials you have at home or get in touch if you need some from school.

Have a look on Seesaw for a message from us, your weekly Friday catch up!


Next Friday to celebrate the end of all our pirate learning we are going to have a pirate day. We would like the children to dress up in a simple pirate costume to get in the mood. On Thursday we will be making a pirate hat to wear. Post your photos to Seesaw and we will share them with the children in class.


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Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
