Year 6 Home Practice - 18th December 2020

Date: 18th Dec 2020 @ 1:45pm

Our last week in December has been very exciting filled with the Christmas shop, Christmas Jumper Day, Christmas lunch and ‘wearing your own clothes day’! We have become quite proficient at our Design and Technology project of hand sewing and learnt a great deal on how to be patient, to persevere and work together.


Our learning in Year 6 this week:

  • In Maths, we have investigated problems with perimeter and used the strategy of drawing to solve them.
  • With our completed novel of Room 13 still on our minds, we have planned, discussed and written our own suspense novel, then read them out dramatically to the class.
  • In Design and Technology topic of sewing, we have planned, prepped, sewn, made mistakes, corrected those mistakes, persevered and finally completed our project. Please see the pictures on our website for their brilliant work.
  • In PE, we have been working on teamwork for the past few months and it was great to see such positive discussions and praise to each other when playing lots of team games.
  • In Music, we all enjoyed seeing the whole school’s performances for the Nativity and had a Christmas music quiz.
  • In French, we completed our Cluedo-style report on ‘Who killed Santa?’ and then videoed each one.
  • In Science, we designed and created junk modelling of our own made-up animal and had to categorise which type it would be, based on their features.
  • Finally, Father made a visit to Year 6, remotely via Zoom, giving us a special blessing for Christmas.


Well done to every single person in Year 6. You have been superb role models around school following the new rules and keeping everyone safe. I, Mrs Jones and Mrs Wilson would like to say a huge thank you for being committed, hard-working, funny, sensible and always enthusiastic. We hope you have a fantastic and safe Christmas.

You will have also noticed that no Sumdog is being set for the Christmas break so that you can have a rest and come back fresh and ready for some exciting learning in January. BUT please keep reading as much as possible – like I always say, ‘Reading is the number one thing that will unlock all your learning!’. 


Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
