Year 6 Blog Friday 24th May 2024

Date: 23rd May 2024 @ 3:41pm

Year 6 – Lickey Hills Primary School and Nursery


A great week, well done Year 6.

Half Term Home Practice


Please enjoy reading a good book for up to 30 minutes every day.



When reading, if you come across any new words that you don’t understand, ask an adult or look them up in the dictionary.

Building up your vocabulary knowledge is really beneficial, so make a list of good words that you could use in your own writing.



Counting/Number Games

Have a go at this game! 



You have a mixed times table/division facts challenge on Sumdog to complete.

Log in at

If you would like to do a bit more work on your times tables, Hit the Button is a great game to play.

Follow this link:

Times Table Rock Stars is another great way to practise your times tables.

Follow this link: 



Year 6 Sports Day Friday 21st June.


The 1,000-year-old Boy : Welford, Ross: Books

In English this week, we have been enjoying our new novel The 1000 year old Boy by Ross welford. We have focused a lot on our writing in preparation for High School. 

In Maths, we spent time doing Nrich problem solving activities, these required a lot of thought and patience.

In RE, we wrote information texts about Deacons and how they serve in the Catholic Church.

In PE, we worked on our cricket skills and played mini-games. We thoroughly enjoyed the extra cricket session on Thursday - amazing batting, bowling and catching skills!

In French, we learnt and practised the vocabulary necessary to order food and drinks. For example, voici le menu, vous avez choisi? Je voudrais, l'addition, s'il vous plais.

In Art, we created imaginary landscapes using sketching, painting and collage skills.

In History, we wrote diary entries from the perspective of the witches in the Pendle Witch Trials. It might be worth a visit to Pendle Hill!

In Music, time was spent learning the songs for our Bugsy Malone production. You will find them in the documents below, please learn the words!

Outdoor Learning -  last week we spent time in the nature area and made beautiful nature sticks.


#30 Days Wild
As a school we are going to take part in a celebration of everything nature has to offer. This is an initiative set up by The Wildlife Trust. In June, we will be providing opportunities for all children to experience and learn about the wildlife on their doorstep, helping to nurture happier, healthier children, and create allies for our precious natural neighbours.

Happy half term everyone! – Hayes Music blog

Enjoy your Half Term Holiday.

Year 6 Team.



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St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
