Year 4 Blog Friday 24th May 2024

Date: 24th May 2024 @ 8:52am

Welcome to your last blog of this half term



Please keep reading over the half term holiday. Reading is the key to unlocking your learning.

Please try and read for 20 minutes each evening to an adult at home.  Try and use lots of expression in your reading and different voices for the different characters.



Times tables and Number facts

Please practise your tables using TT Rockstars, Hit the Button or

Remember you have your Multiplication Tables Check coming up after half term.



In English, we read ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ by Drew Daywalt. We wrote an argument between the yellow and the orange crayon using speech bubbles. Following this, we wrote what the crayons said to each other using inverted commas (speech marks). We also thought of lots of different word to describe how the crayons spoke to each other (eg bawled, roared, questioned etc). We then recorded ourselves performing our speeches with our partner.


In Maths, we consolidated our learning about horizontal and vertical symmetry. We then used this knowledge to help us complete symmetrical figures. This week we have also learnt the names of triangles according to their properties – these were equilateral triangles, scalene triangles and isosceles triangles.     


In RE, we finished our ‘New Life’ topic with a thoughtful collective worship led by some of Year 4.  During this worship, we thought about ways in which we can spread the Good News – either in words or in actions.


As part of our outdoor learning, we consolidated our knowledge of the layers of the rainforest and recreated a rainforest outside using natural items. Have a look at our finished pictures in our gallery.   


In Art, we used our perseverance, determination and inventiveness to create a ‘nest’ out of different materials. We worked hard to create a nest shape and then our instinct and intuition to create the sculpture. Take a look at our pictures in our gallery.


This week we were also lucky enough to have a cricket session provided by Lancashire Cricket. First, we practised throwing and catching a ball, and then bowling to a partner. Following this, we played mini games of cricket. We all had great fun and enjoyed honing our cricket skills.


#30 Days Wild

As a school we are going to take part in a celebration of everything nature has to offer. This is an initiative set up by The Wildlife Trust. In June, we will be providing opportunities for all children to experience and learn about the wildlife on their doorstep, helping to nurture happier, healthier children, and create allies for our precious natural neighbours.


Happy Half Term – St Christopher's C of E Primary School

Have a super half term

The Year 4 team

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St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
