Year 3 Home Learning 7th January 2021

Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 1:27pm

Good morning Year 3. Ms Hodson and I are missing you all so much and we really hope that you are happy and well. Please think of all the wonderful things in our lives – talk to your parents about things that make you smile. The weather has been lovely – take a look outside and look at the beautiful world we live in.

Well done to all of you who had a go at the work yesterday. If you are finding any of it tricky you can:

  • Draw things to help you in Maths like base 10.
  • Write out the times tables you need for an activity before starting it.
  • Use books and the internet for ideas.
  • Discuss your work with people at home when they are not busy.
  • Contact the school for support.



Please collect an exercise book from the school office to complete your work in, you will be able to bring these into school when we are all back together.

You can also collect reading books from the school office whenever you need to. Please let the office know beforehand so we can get them ready for you.

As we are looking at news reports at the moment, it might be a good idea to look at some newspapers if you have any at home.


Things that made me smile yesterday (you could write your own list too)

  • By Wednesday lunch time, 23 of you had started the Sumdog challenge – amazing, well done!!!!!!
  • You are all superstars
  • The sun was shining
  • I enjoyed a new flavour of tuna and cous cous for my lunch mmmm!
  • Children came up with some great ideas in school for their news report headlines including:
  • Crumb cooks cookies for homeless
  • Yey for Crumb!
  • Crumb is too cool for school
  • Croooome zooms to the rescue


Thursday 7th January 2021



Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes. Once you have collected a school book from the office, you can start to read that.  

Tell somebody all about one of the characters:

What are they like? How are they involved in the story? What do you know about them?



Here are your spellings for this week:

television, treasure, usual, measure, pleasure, decision, vision, leisure, version, visual


Write the long date: Thursday 7th January 2021

Write the title: Spelling chunks

Split your spellings up into chunks that you can remember. Write out the chunks in different colours.

Here is an example: television


Writing activity 1:

Read the pages from Mr Stink attached to this blog, p153 - 157.

Today you are still going to imagine you are the news reporter and are preparing your news report all about Mrs Crumb and Mr Stink. You think Mrs Crumb is very kind for helping homeless people. You are going to write a little bit of the news report each day.

This video tells you a little bit about news reports:


Date: Thursday 7th January 2021

Title: Can I summarise the main points?

Focus: Handwriting, spelling, full stops and capital letters


Today you are going to write an introduction to the news report.

An introduction to a news report should tell you the main points:

  • When it happened
  • Where it happened
  • What has happened
  • Who it involved
  • Why it happened

Here is an example:

On the 7th January 2021 in Longton, it was found that Mrs Crumb, mother of 2 and candidate for MP, has let a homeless man live in her shed. Mr Stink, who used to live on the bench, is now living at the Crumb’s residence with his dog Duchess. Mrs Crumb did this as she cares deeply about the homeless community.


Writing activity 2 (for those of you who want to write more):

Write the long date: Thursday 7th January 2021

Write the title: Speed write

Focus: beautiful handwriting, capital letters and full stops.


Set a timer for 10 minutes, write as much as you can about anything you like.



Times tables

Go on Hit the Button to practise the 4x tables.

Play at least three times trying to improve your score each time.



Count out loud in 10s:

From 134 – 254

From 66 – 106

From 511 - 631




Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

  • Multiplication and division challenge: 6th January – 10th January




I hope you managed OK with the doubling yesterday. Some children in class drew base 10 to help them double, so if they were doubling 24 they drew two 10s (lines) and two 4s (dots) and counted them up to get to 48.

For Maths today, you are going to have some more practice of the 2, 4 and 8 x tables.

Remember you can double (draw base 10 to help). You could also write out the times tables before starting and have them in front of you.

I would like you to have a go at the lesson from Whiterose Maths. There is a video that you can watch and pause when you need to, a question sheet and an answer sheet you can use after you have finished.

Here is the video:



Today in school we would normally do PE in the afternoon.

Try to get outside for a walk or jog if you can.

Attached to this blog is an activity sheet called Jumping Dice.

Here is a video which helps to explain the activity.

If you do not have a dice, you can cut up 6 pieces of paper and write the numbers 1 to 6 on them.  

Files to Download

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
