Year 2 Home Learning - 3rd February 2021

Date: 2nd Feb 2021 @ 3:10pm

Hello Year 2.


Well done on all your work so far this week. It is really great seeing everything you have done on SeeSaw, so please keep sharing. We hope you are enjoying our PSHE activities – keep it up.


See if you can have a go at these Yoga poses. Can you hold the position whilst you count to 30?

You have to say the writing out loud when you first move into the pose - “I am strong”.





It is ESSENTIAL that children continue to read every single day. This should be for a minimum of 20 minutes.


Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read, and love to read.

Corner stones have released some free reading resources.

Corner Stones

Resources for questioning your child while they are reading.




Counting and Times Tables

Counting in 2’s – Can you start on 5 and count forwards in 2’s? Challenge – Can you count backwards from 29?

2 Times Tables – Listen to this 2 times table song: 2 times table song

Play hit the button and select 2 times tables – hit the button

Play the Daily 10. Select multiplication and then select 2 times tables. Set the timer so you get quicker each time – Daily 10

Can you write out all your 2 times tables up to 12 in your home learning journal?


This week we will looking at statistics and data handling. From pictograms to line graphs, children learn a lot about collecting, organising and presenting data in primary school maths. This week we will look at how you can help your child get to grips with basic statistics at home. Data handling at primary school means gathering and recording information and then presenting it in a way that is meaningful to others. It is now referred to as ‘statistics’ under the 2014 curriculum.


Can I interpret a pictogram?

Today we are going to look at interpreting pictograms.

We have uploaded an additional document named 'CHALLENGE'. This is only intended as extension work to challenge and push your learning. You are not required to complete this sheet. The WhiteRose sheet is more than enough.

Make sure you watch the video carefully and pause to answer questions on the worksheet.

Please follow the link and complete the worksheet attached to the class blog.

1.            Watch the video (either on your own or with your child).

2.            Find a calm space where your child can work for about 20-30 minutes.

3.            Use the video guidance to support your child as they work through a lesson.

Complete on the sheet (if you have a printer) or write your answers in your home learning book.


Sumdog challenges

Multiplication – x2, x3, x5 and x10 tables

Maths – Statistics

Spellings – Adjectives with the suffix -er and -est



Please see attached documents for your English Lesson.


Phonics and Spelling

Phonics play have made their website free to use throughout January. Login -> select the resources tab -> select phase 6 phonics and have a play!

You may log in with the following details:

username: jan21

password: home

Adding -er/-est

We make the comparative or superlative forms of short adjectives by adding -er or -est, for example: hard, harder, hardest.

Spelling Rule
Just add -er or -est to the end of the adjective, for example:

  • quick, quicker, quickest
  • great, greater, greatest
  • full, fuller, fullest

(note: C=consonant; V=vowel)

If adj. ends in

do this

and add


C + y

change y to i







C + e

remove e


C + V + C

double last letter


Note: adjectives ending in -l are regular, except:
cruel, crueller, cruellest


Can you remember all the rules for adding er and est?

You are going to play a game to see if you can! Please see the attached board game.



Please see today’s announcement on Seesaw for our ‘Underwater Dance’ lesson and follow the link to access the song - Underwater Song. Please note, the video has been posted in two parts.


Before you start today’s PE session make sure you do a warm-up activity. Warming up before a PE lesson is not only beneficial to protect the muscles and the joints, it also helps to gradually increase our heart rates and circulation, which will increase the blood flow to the muscles.  

Warm-up game – Pirate Ship.


MOVEMENT – ‘We need to move like different animals in the sea’

Create some movements for the following animals:



Sea Lion




Repeat these actions in this order until you can start to remember them.


CHOREOGRAPHY – Put the movements together using the song for timing.



“under the water” – Students can bend knees and move arms down and scoop up to indicate ‘under’.

“under the sea” – students to stand still and wave arms from side to side.

“lots and lots of fishys swimin’ ‘round me” – Students to do their fish action.


PRACTICE – Students can repeat the first half of the dance until the end of the lesson.


We would love to see some of your dances on Seesaw.



Today, please fill in the Wednesday section of your Wellbeing Journal and have a go at 1 of the focus sheets.

Please take a picture of this activity today.


You can access your PSHE lesson which has been attached to the blog. It is a PowerPoint all about your Mental and Emotional Wellbeing. Have a go at the activity set or just talk through the PowerPoint with an adult.


We are already halfway through the week. Keep up the hard work.


Year 2 team

Files to Download

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
