Year 2 Home Learning - 15th January 2021

Date: 14th Jan 2021 @ 3:15pm

Happy Friday!


Thank you for an amazing week of home learning. We know you will all be working hard at home and doing us proud. Keep it up year 2!

Charlie Mackesy's innocent animal drawings face up to some of life's hard  truths and have found a new audience on Instagram


We will explain the structure on here each day but please refer to the additional uploaded documents for each specific lesson guidance and resources.



It is ESSENTIAL that children continue to read every single day. This should be for a minimum of 20 minutes.


When you’ve finished reading, talk about what happened. Acting out the things that happened in the story or describing the big idea of a chapter is really fun and maximises learning. For example, ‘can you remember all the things that happened on the bear hunt?’


Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read, and love to read.

If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the red box ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’

Username: sto2

Password: 1234

Corner stones have released some free reading resources

Corner Stones

Resources for questioning your child while they are reading




Counting and Times Tables

Counting in 2’s – Can you count backwards from 24? Challenge – Can you count backwards from 50?

2 Times Tables – Listen to this 2 times table song: 2 times tables

Can you write out all your 2 times tables up to 12 in your home learning journal.


Can I find the correct change?

This week we are going to continue to focus on our topic – Money.

Today we are going to look at finding change.

We have uploaded an additional document named 'CHALLENGE'. This is only intended as extension work to challenge and push your learning. You are not required to complete this sheet. The WhiteRose sheet is more than enough.

Make sure you watch the video carefully and pause to answer questions on the worksheet.

Please follow the link and complete the worksheet attached to the class blog.

1.            Watch the video (either on your own or with your child).

2.            Find a calm space where your child can work for about 20-30 minutes.

3.            Use the video guidance to support your child as they work through a lesson.

Complete on the sheet (if you have a printer) or write your answers in your home learning book.




Sumdog can be played from home, as well as in the classroom. To log in from home, students use the same details as they do in class.

Log in at

Additionally, students can access Sumdog via the app, which are free to download and play. In both cases, they'll need an internet connection.

Sumdog challenges

Multiplication –  x2, x3, x5 and x10 tables

Maths – Money

Spellings – Past tense verbs -ed


Sumdog – Well done to the 20 children who have had a go at the new Sumdog challenges this week. We would love to see everyone have a go at the challenges set for next week. Sumdog can be a great way to consolidate learning and practise your spellings.



We hope you came up with some exciting rules for ‘How to escape from a dragon’ in yesterday’s writing. Remember to use your capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and lead-ins for all your writing. Take your time with your handwriting to make it look beautiful.


Please see the attached document for the lesson details.


Phonics and Spelling

Phonics play have made their website free to use throughout January. Login -> select the resources tab -> select phase 6 phonics and have a play!

You may log in with the following details:

username: jan21

password: home


Does your child know how to change the tense of a verb? Can they say both "I am playing on the field today" and "I played on the field yesterday"? This means they can understand how to change the present tense into the past tense.


What are the rules for changing verbs to the past tense?

For a regular verb, add "ed" to turn it into a past tense verb.

If a regular verb already ends in "e", make sure it ends in "ed".

If a verb ends in a "y", such as "hurry", you change it to an "i" and then add "ed". This becomes "hurried".

If a regular verb ends with one vowel and one consonant, double the consonant before adding "ed". For example, "wrap" would become "wrapped".

If a verb ends with a "c", you then need to add a "k" before "ed."




For many verbs, to change to past tense you add -ed to the verb.

Example 1:

Jump = jumped

For many verbs that end in y, there are simple rules for changing these words to past tense:

If the y follows a consonant, then change the y to i and add -ed.

Example 2:

Carry = carried

If the y follows a vowel, add -ed.

Example 3:

Play = played


Please have a go at the attached worksheet.



This term we are looking at coding in Computing. On the additional documents you will find your child’s individual login for the programme we use. The website is called It should work on your tablets. If you do not have one, school will be happy to loan one out to you whilst you are off.  Once your child has their unique login, they will be able to access the programme on by following the instructions on the document.


  • Each child will have the same 6 letter section code – FMSQGM, they will then search for their name, choose their secret picture and then press the sign in button.


Today please complete the following lesson:

-              Course B (2020)

-              Complete Lesson 4 – Programming with Angry Birds.

Please only complete the lessons stated above.


Additional activities – Art

Try one of the windy art activities attached to this post.


We hope you all have a relaxing and enjoyable weekend.


Year 2 team

Files to Download

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
