Year 3 and Year 4 Coding Club
Year 4 - Science Water cycle models
Year 4 - History names in sticks
Year 4 Computing - cropping and colour effects
Year 4 - DT - Iron Model and electrical circuit
Year 4 - Science making switches
Year 4 - Geography climate change and glaciers
Year 4 PE - Benchball
Year 4 French Describing Christmas Jumpers
The Learning Times Autumn 2022
STEM club Autumn 2022
Santa Dash pictures
St Oswald
Year 4 - Science Making electrical circuits
Year 4 - English Iron Man Wanted Posters
KS2 French - Tout sur moi
Year 4 - Maths - Finding factors using arrays and multiplication squares
Year 4 - PE Gymnastics
Year 4 - Countdown spellings
Year 4 - Freddie Fit
Whizz, Pop, Bang
Year 4 - visit from Poppy
Year 4 History Romans Trip to Lancaster
Year 4 - History - Roman Legionary
Year 4 - English Spelling Countdown
St Oswald's Catholic Primary School
Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB
T: 01772 613402