Year 6 Home Learning - Monday 1st March 2021

Date: 26th Feb 2021 @ 12:42pm

Monday 1st March 2021


Good morning Year 6 and welcome to the start of the last week of home learning. The pupils in school, the teachers and I are super excited to see you next week so do what you can – you are so close to the end, keep going!

Here are the last Monday’s tasks:



Read for 30 minutes. Keep building up that speed and stamina.

Reading activity for today:

  • Which character in your book are you most like and least like? Explain you answer.


English (split into three parts: Handwriting, Spellings and Writing)


The handwriting poems this week are based on seasons through the year. This week focus on forming each letter correctly, which we have done before but this is something we will do in detail next week when you are all back so practising this is going to help.

December Moon

The moon has come out too soon,

it’s still the middle of the afternoon

and the day shows no signs of darkness.


What is the moon doing,

sneaking into the sky when it’s light?


What is the moon playing at?

Couldn’t it sleep?

Has its alarm clock rung too soon?


Do we see the moon this early

in June or September?


Or does December bring a special moon,

a let’s-get-these-nights-over-soon moon,

a can’t-wait-for-Christmas-to-come moon?



The spellings for this week, long ‘y’ sound

  • The spelling sheet is attached at the bottom of this blog.
  • Sumdog spelling challenge starts today. 


Writing task

Can I write as Aladdin in present tense?

Read page 27 – 29. Stop at page 29 then watch the video sent on Seesaw which explains today’s task.

The BBC bitesize link mentioned in the video is here, Past vs Present tense

After completing the task for today, continue reading pages 30 – 36.


Maths – Division Week

Warm up your brain: Counting forward and back in steps of 40 and 60

540, 820, 2650, 7000, 14 650

  1. Main lesson. The objective for today is:
    1. Can I use mental strategies to solve division questions?

See the video sent on Seesaw which explains the activities for today’s Maths lesson and the main sheet is named, ‘Mental Division’

  1. Maths challenge Missing Numbers – explanation on the same video. The sheet is at the bottom of the blog.




Can I solve the noughts and crosses challenge using different tactics?


For today’s task, read the Noughts and Crosses challenge , which explains how to set up a large noughts and crosses using paper, hoops or whatever you have at home. The video on the website doesn’t seem to be working so here is a link to their twitter post with the video on it, Youth Sport Trust - Noughts and Crosses. If that link does not work, here is another link to show you how this game can be played, PE at Home - Noughts and Crosses.

This is a game that should be played with another family member, if possible. Here are a few ideas to make it interesting:

  • Race against each other (walking or running depending if you are inside or outside your house)
  • Take turns (so it becomes fairer)
  • Perform different movements when placing your item down:
    • Crawling, sliding, Spider-Man moves, lunging, side-stepping, galloping, jumping, leaping, hopping, move around cones, etc
  • Or when you arrive at the noughts and crosses layout, perform one of these moves:
    • 5 push-ups, star jumps, burpees, lunges, running on the stop, jumping on the spot, spotty dogs, etc


Do not forget to keep yourself active. My favourite things at the movement are dancing and yoga.

Here is a great Yoga video to help aid you in being more flexible. Yoga for kids with Adriene



In today’s lesson, watch the clip, Change the World with Your Choices, which you may remember from Thursday’s task. The video will help to start thinking about the power of your choices

Use the ‘Choices and Consequences’ matching cards to lay them on a table and match up a choice with a consequence.

Then think about the following questions or even discuss them with someone in your house:

Who was affected by these choices?

What countries were impacted by these choices? Can you find them on a map?

Can you identify the choices that were about buying choices?

Can you identify the choices that were made after buying the product?


For an extra task, consider alternative choices and the negative consequences that may arise as a result.

  1. Look at the choices cards and pick an alternative choice that might have negative consequences e.g. Instead of choosing to recycle your rubbish you might throw it in a regular rubbish bin. Write these on the back of the choices cards.
  2. What are the negative consequences of these choices? Now write possible negative impact of these alternative choices on the back of the consequences cards.


Sumdog – Three challenges


    1. Division of 2/3 digit numbers                  (200 target)
    2. Fluency with division facts                      (200 target)
    3. Spellings ‘long /y/ sound’                         (45 target)



Congratulations! The last remote Monday is now complete.


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St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
