Year 6 Home Learning - Friday 8th January 2021

Date: 7th Jan 2021 @ 2:29pm

Friday 8th January 2021


Good morning Year 6. It is the end of a crazy week but I hope you have all got yourselves into some kind of a routine – do not worry if you haven’t yet but come next week, try to map out what you will do and when (and also give yourself little wins/treats along the way - as an example, if you complete the Maths tasks for the day, play a game of your choice for 15 - 30 minutes, then your mind will be ready for the next activity). I have included a timetable that you can use with an example attached to it to have a look at, which is at the bottom of this blog.

For those who have not yet collected theirs, there is a YELLOW HOME LEARNING BOOK to collect from the office along with a copy of our new novel, Tom’s Midnight Garden. All work can be completed inside it (including Writing, Maths, History, Art, etc).

Well done to 23 of you who have started the new Sumdog challenges – this week’s deadline is Sunday so try to complete both by then.

Here are today’s Home Learning tasks:



Read for 20 minutes. You may read your own books from home or from you can still use Oxford Owl ebooks, where there are a whole range of books from their library. If you would like to use this great resource, the username is ‘sto56’ with the password ‘1234’.

School reading books can still be used (and preferred over your home books). Simply notify the school of when you will be coming and I can arrange a box to be in the school office for when you arrive.

Do not forget to continue using your Reading Journals for any thoughts, opinions, predictions and new vocabulary you find. I will give your reading activities each day starting from next week.



My apologies for leaving out the objective for yesterday’s English lesson – it was, ‘Can I write internal thoughts as Tom about the grandfather clock?’

Today’s objective is:

Can I use the skill of retrieval to answer reading questions?

Read chapter 2 (page 17 - 20)

  • Look up these great words: yielded, indignation, instinctively – before you read the chapter. It will give you a better understanding of the story.
  • This lesson will help to practice the retrieval skill.
  • Print or copy the questions from the attached file, 'Reading questions for pages 17-20'.
  • Read the whole passage from pages 17 – 20 before you answer them.
  • Top tip - if the questions is, ‘Why was the moonbeam useless?’, pick out a word or two from the question that stands out (like moonbeam) and scan for that word between 17 and 20. Then read the sentence before that word, read the sentence with that word and read the sentence after that word to fully understand the answer to the question.
  • Then you can write the answer (either on the sheet or in your YELLOW BOOK)
  • There are also questions about vocabulary so use a dictionary any time you come across something you do not understand.
  • All the questions are in order so as an example, questions 1-4 are mostly on page 17, then the rest will be on pages 18-20.

Once this activity is completed, enjoy reading the rest of the chapter, to the end of page 24.



I have set two challenges to complete by Sunday: both have a target of 100 correct answers.

  • Week 1 – x7 tables
  • Week 1 – Rounding and Place Value


MathsPlace Value Week

Can I multiply and divide numbers by 10, 100 and 1000?

Hit the Button is our warm up for today. I would like you to focus on times tables: choose your times tables target but this time practise with ‘Hit the Question’.


Today has videos from White Rose Maths for both multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. This is an area we have looked at many times but we all need to be secure in this for later learning.

To access the videos below, simply click on the link or type it into to a search engine to find them. If you head to St Oswald’s website and click on ‘classes’ – ‘Year 6’ – ‘Home Learning’ – ‘White Rose Daily Maths’, you will find the following resources that we will also be using:



History answers

The answers to the investigation of yesterday’s History are as follows:

1. They had a system of writing a bit like the Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, and even made what look like books.

2. They knew about the stars (had an observatory) and even had their own calendar.

3. They built great cities.

4. They discovered how to use chocolate.

5. A system of numbers enabled them to count. They even had a way of expressing zero.

6. Great craftsmen, sculptors

7. They played ball games.

8. They worshipped gods.

If you have others that are not written here, great work; historians came up with lots of predictions of what might have happened back then.



For our Art lesson this week, we are going to learn about Mayan clothing. Watch this video Maya clothing, which shows both what a woman and a man would have worn in those days. The task is to sketch a Mayan person is the style of their ancient art. To see how to do this, follow the YouTube clip Let's draw an Ancient Mayan to help you sketch a Mayan. If you have colours, you can use them but do not worry if not.

Happy sketching!


(We will be organising Seesaw soon so you will be able to show me all of your work so keep this artwork safe until then).




Files to Download

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
