Year 6 Blog Friday 19th May 2023

Date: 19th May 2023 @ 3:33pm

Welcome to our Year 6 blog.

This week has been another busy one following our SATs week. On Thursday we attended church to celebrate the Ascension of Jesus, led by Year 6. This Friday, we had a visit from the CEO of the Foxton Centre in Preston who gave us a talk about their fantastic charity work for the homeless community. 


Also, Year 6’s learning this week:

  • In Maths, we have learnt about line graphs, how to interpret them and draw various continuous data. Next week, we will learning more about pie charts and how to interpret them. 
  • In English, we have learnt how to improve our persuasive writing through planning and creating a persuasive letter to one of the Skellig characters on why they should try home school or state school.
  • In PE, we focused on our athletics skills: running, throwing and jumping, as we prepare for our last Sports Day at St Oswald’s. Also, we prepared our ‘mini coaching’ sessions by designing them and practising each activity with other groups.
  • In Geography, we introduced our new topic, Brazil, through mapping work of South America and learnt the bordering countries surrounding it.
  • In History, we learnt about the Maya rule and how this compares to the Anglo-Saxons at the same period (8th to 10th century).
  • In PSHE, we discussed our responsibilities around school, and how we can use what we have learnt from them as we begin transitioning to high school.
  • In RE, we began our new topic, ‘Witness’, where we learnt how our beliefs and values affect what we do when being a witness.


Home Practice this week.

This week I have a different task for you to complete. Part of our speaking and listening area of the English curriculum is to give presentations on a variety of topics. Doing this individually though, will be great practice for any future activities you undertake in high school. Therefore, this weekend, I would like you to create a two-minute speech to present between next Monday to Friday. It can be:

  • About any topic you wish
  • About a talent you have
  • About a skill you developed
  • About any holiday you have been on
  • About your pet and how to look after it
  • About absolutely anything.



Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
