Year 6 Blog Friday 10th March 2023

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 12:55pm

Welcome to our Year 6 blog.

This week, our Japanese visitors taught a lesson on proverbs with the game, ‘Karuta’ using matching cards.  Please see the Year 6 gallery and the fun we had playing it.

This Friday we were very lucky to welcome Stuart Rowson, a producer on CBBC and CBeeBies, and now an author of his new book, 'Issy and the Tumble Thunder'. He read part of his book out to us and answered some of our great questions. 


For our PE lessons this term, which will include rugby and orienteering (weather depending), please bring in extra trainers (preferably old ones) that you do not mind getting dirty and a plastic bag to keep them in. You may take them home each week, if you prefer to clean them.


Our learning in Year 6 this week:

  • In Maths, we learnt how to find the perimeter of rectangles, squares and rectilinear shapes by finding all the length of each side and adding them together. We have also been improving our x fraction strategies using bar models to explain.
  • In English, we have written as a tiger expressing our terrible treatment at the circus, and what a typical day is like.
  • In RE, we continued our topic of ‘Unity’ by analysing St Paul’s letter (Romans 12:3-10) to then create a stained-glass window of what unity means to us.
  • In PE, we continued our focus on improving our individual performance with throwing, jumping and running in athletics.
  • In History, we researched four ancient civilisations: Ancient Egyptians, Ancient Sumer, Ancient Indus Valley and The Shang Dynasty to compare what they have in common. We discussed how they all lived near rivers and the benefits that these can bring: more crops, plants for medicine, protection, cleanliness, drinking water and growing farm animals.
  • In Computing, we analysed three 3D models of houses, chose our objects and combined them to planned our own 3D model of a dream house using tinkercad. Next week, we will complete them, take photos and upload to the Year 6 gallery.
  • In French, we recapped how to conjugate the verb etre, to be, with a game before using the correct form of the verb to say what nationality various people are. Getting ready for High School with this great French grammar, Year 6!
  • In Science, we planned and carried out a comparative test to find out how different forms of exercise affect our pulse rate. We identified all the variables and chose which one to change and which to measure. We understood that we needed to repeat the readings to ensure the data is more accurate. We then used the scientific vocabulary to explain our findings. We will move on next week to learning about how exercise and life style choices affect our health.


Home Practice all relates to this week’s learning. These are the tasks needed to be completed:


  • Please keep reading every day to build up stamina. A great idea is to read 20-30 pages a day (you can read more) in one sitting, as this will build up your ability to read at length for long periods of time.


Spellings (challenge words)

  • Sumdog (Year 6 Sp 2 wk 3 Prefix dis-, un-, im-)

disadvantage, disappear, disappoint, discovered, dishonest, unacceptable, unachievable, unbelievable, uncomfortable, unforgivable, immature, impatient, impolite, impartial, impossible


Maths challenges:

  • Counting:
    • This week, please practise counting in fraction steps of 2/5 and ¼
    • For example, start at 1/5 and count up to 3 1/5 and back again
    • 1/5 , 2/5 , 3/5, etc 3 1/5,  3 , 2 4/5  etc 
    • Also, start at ¼ and count up to 6 ¼ and back again
    • ¼, 2/4,    ¾, etc           6 ¼,    6,       5 ¾ , etc


  • Sumdog (Times tables Sp 2 wk 4)
    • Keep working on your fluency and speed with this challenge.


  • Sumdog (Perimeter Sp 2 wk 4)

This week, remember that perimeter is the total distance around a shape. Therefore, make sure you add all the sides you see. (Be careful with different units).




Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
