Year 5 - Friday 24th June 2022

Date: 23rd Jun 2022 @ 5:10pm

Welcome to this week’s Year 5 class blog

This week in year 5


In Maths, we have finished off number and place value by doing a little more work on multiplying and dividing by powers of 10 and relating this to measure. Some children have secured their facts about measure but some could do to revisit this at home every now and then.  They need to remember 1000g = 1kg, 1000ml = 1 litre, 1000m = 1km, 10mm = 1cm and 100cm = 1m for starters. We have moved onto angles at the end of the week, estimating and measuring angles with a protractor. 

In English we have continued with the drama in Varjak Paw. The mysterious Vanishings in the book have lead us to writing a newspaper article asking for help to find out what is happening.  The children have published these reports in class.  We have also been using our inference and comprehension skills by reading chapters and answering questions, using evidence from the text.

In Science, the children continued with their work on living things. They investigated the life cycles of insects and amphibians and learnt common facts about insects and common facts about amphibians.

In RE the children ended their freedom and responsibility topic with a lovely worship, remembering all the things they have learnt.

In French this week, we used all the vocabulary we have learned over the last few weeks to write a paragraph about sports using adverbs of frequency, opinions and negatives. Super writing year 5!

In PE many of you joined us for an outstanding sports day. I’m sure you enjoyed watching the children who put in so much effort, on such a warm day.  The children had lots of fun and earned many points for their houses. I’m sure you will agree it was a great afternoon! Please look at the video on St Oswald's YouTube channel.

In Geography, we concluded our topic on China with an investigation in the economic growth of China and how this has impacted upon the country and its people. The children looked into which countries import the most from China and then located these countries on a map.

Online Saftey Update - Live Streaming

Many of our children access YouTube and TikTok as their primary source of online content. Live streamers are becoming ever more popular with children and young people.

Live streaming is the term used to describe the broadcast of a real time video from a mobile device, tablet or games console. Many live streaming apps have functionality for interactions from viewers, such as commenting, live chats and sending reactions during the broadcast. 

In this guide, you'll find tips on a number of potential risks such as online grooming, privacy & security and online reputation. Also, be aware of age ratings on any platforms you allow your children to use.


The children completed their Common Exception Words Spelling test this week. Thank you for helping them practise.

All Hallows £3 dinner money to be returned.

Bikeability on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week.  Please make sure your booklet and bike check sheet are returned.  Children will need their bikes and helmets on all 3 days.



Home Practice all relates to this week's learning - These are the tasks to be completed.

Reading - You all have a Home Reading book for year 5 so reading every night for 15-20 mins is essential. You also have a Reading Journal/Diary that must be completed and signed. Some children had a break from reading over the holidays but please ensure this is made a priority now that we are back at school.  Reading daily is vital to improve in all areas of English.

You can change your reading book on any school day (book bags to be left on Mrs Mulgrew's desk)

Maths – please ask your child what their times tables target is and help them practise this in order for them to progress.

No spellings this week, due to completing the Common Exception Words test and the All Hallows visit next week.

Sumdog challenges


Please encourage your child to complete the Maths and Spelling Training.  As you know, we set weekly challenges that are linked to the learning that takes place in school.  As an extra feature, the maths and spelling training sections will provide a tailored challenge for your child to practise skills, facts and words they find difficult.  Once the diagnostic challenges have been completed Sumdog will set challenges to aid improvement and development in the appropriate areas for your child.  Once you have completed the class challenges, please use this feature for extra challenge in both maths and spelling.  Many children have still not completed the diagnostic section.

Times tables have been set to reflect class targets

Maths the children have been set activities relating to converting time and multiplying and dividing by powers of 10.

No spellings this week, due to completing the Common Exception Words test and the All Hallows visit next week.

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Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
