Year 4 Blog Thursday 19th October 2023

Date: 19th Oct 2023 @ 8:37am

Welcome to the Year 4 Blog


We have had a brilliant half term in Year 4! We have worked really hard and already made good progress in our learning.  Our teachers want to thank us for being such fun and enthusiastic learners and said we should all feel very proud of ourselves.


Our learning this week:


In English, we wrote 2 poems. One of our poems was based on Hamster Hamster by Joseph Coelho who is the children’s laureate. We used the structure of Hamster Hamster to write a poem about a class pet – describing it as either charming and loveable, or nasty and ferocious! We also read a poem by Ian Bland and used this as inspiration to write our own poem about a topic of our choice. We were very proud of our poems which included a chorus and rhyming words. We performed these to the class and some of us even performed them in Golden Assembly. 


In Maths, we interpreted data and solved one step questions using information in a table. In addition, we presented and interpreted data used in pictograms. 

What is a pictogram? | TheSchoolRun


In RE, we read Mark 1: 14-20. This passage tells of Jesus calling his Apostles.  We discussed how Andrew, Simon, James and John might have felt when Jesus called them and talked about the meaning of the Kingdom of God. 

Jesus calls four men as his first apostles - Catholic Courier


In French, we continued with our pets topic. To help learn the vocabulary, we used our word bank from last week and listened to the ‘Les Animaux’ song again. We also learnt how to say if and how many pets we have.


In Music, we videoed our final performance of the Mambo Cup Rhythm. We learnt all the actions to the song Just like a Roman and started to learn a new song Roman Numerals.  


In Art, we finished our ‘telling a story through sketching’ topic.  We tried our best to include shading so that our pictures looked more ‘3D’.

Pathway: Storytelling Through Drawing


In History, we learnt how the Roman Empire expanded. We also looked at the uniform worn by Roman legionaries (supplied by the Museum Loans Service) and learnt the Roman names for the different weapons and parts of the uniform. Some of us were lucky enough to try on the Roman uniform and appreciate how heavy the body army was!

Roman Legionary — The Professional Heavy Infantry of the Roman Empire | by  Peter Preskar | Short History

As it is half term, there is no Home Practice. However, please try and read every single day as this really helps unlock your learning.

Thank you to everyone who came to Parent’s Evening this week.  It was lovely to see you and we hope you enjoyed looking at your child’s work. 

We hope you have a peaceful and relaxing holiday and look forward to seeing you all again on Monday 30th October 2023.


Reception: Happy Half Term! - St Mary's School

The Year 4 Team

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
