Year 4 Blog Friday 7th June 2024

Date: 6th Jun 2024 @ 3:59pm

Welcome to your Friday blog

Home practice



Please read for 20 minutes each evening to an adult at home.  Can you spot any co-ordinating conjunctions in sentences?



These are your spellings for next week:

centre         probably      separate      library         occasionally

peculiar       straight       remember    possible       question

famous         difficult       increase       interest       ordinary                



This week, please practise counting in 7’s  

For example, start at 7 and count to 84 and back again

7   14   21    etc                         84   77   70 etc

Now try counting in 0.7’s

For example, start at 0.7 and count to 8.4 and back again

0.7   1.4   2.1    etc                     8.4   7.7   7.0  etc


Times tables and Number facts

Please practise your individual tables target for your test next week. 

You can practise your tables on TTRockstars, Hit the Button and

Please also practise your number facts. 

You can practise your number facts on Hit the Button

It is crucial that you learn all of your table facts and your number facts as this will help you with many aspects of maths.


Sumdog challenges

  • A spelling challenge based on the words above
  • A maths challenge to identify quadrilaterals and triangles


TTRockstars challenge

  • A ‘garage’ session


Over the next couple of weeks, we will be completing a piece of writing called "My Special Place". Please have a think about your special place in preparation for your writing in school. Your special place may be your bedroom, another room in your house, a place you have been on holiday, or somewhere you feel totally relaxed and can be yourself. It could be anywhere! Try and share some ideas with people at home. If you wish you could draw a picture to help. 


In English, we started our new class novel, King of the Cloud Forests by Michael Morpurgo. We were introduced to the main character, Ashley, and found out how he came to be living in China. This week, we consolidated our understanding of co-ordinating conjunctions and then tried to use these in our writing. We are getting more proficient at using these words to extend our sentences.


In Maths, we learnt the names of some quadrilaterals and how to recognise these shapes according to their properties. We also learnt what a diagonal is (a straight line which joins vertices of a polygon that are not next to each other) and how to draw them onto shapes. Our learning this week has also involved describing and plotting coordinates on a grid.


In RE, we started our new topic, Reconciliation – Building Bridges. We started by asking questions about our own and others’ experiences and feelings about what breaks and mends friendships. We decided that a friendship is like a bridge between people which needs to be strengthened, maintained and repaired.


In History, we discovered how Alexander the Great built his empire. We acted this out in groups and made a recording which showed what we had learnt.


In Science, we started our new topic, Sound. We completed a pre-assessment to see what we already knew. Then we listened for sounds in the classroom and outside. Following this, we discovered that vibrations cause sound and these vibrations can travel through solids, liquids and gasses.  Have a look at us experimenting outside.


In PSHE, we continued our topic about ‘plastic pollution’. We learnt about the uses of plastic and how it has changed our lives. However, we also learnt that plastic finds its way into the sea and can pose a threat to marine life. Following this, we created our own poster to encourage readers to stop or limit their use of plastic. 


This week we also had a super yoga session provided by Katie from South Ribble Sports Coaches. During this session, she taught us how to practise ‘candle breathing’. This helped us to relax and is something which we can continue practising at home.

We had a fantastic sports day on Friday! Many thanks for being such supportive spectators. Watch out for the video - coming soon to St Oswald's TV.


Happy Weekend word and cute smile sun pencil color painting illustration  Stock Illustration | Adobe Stock

Have a lovely weekend

The Year 4 team

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St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
