Year 4 Blog - Friday 5th May 2023

Date: 5th May 2023 @ 3:39pm

Year 4 Blog

Friday 5th May 2023

We have only been in school for 4 days, but we have been very busy!  Here’s a brief outline of what we have been learning:

In English, we wrote our ideas for our parent assembly. We then practised performing our songs and readings. We tried hard to put expression into our reading - speaking slowly and clearly - and at a volume which could be heard by the audience. This week, we also worked hard on our handwriting, making sure that anything that we wrote looked beautiful on the page. 

In Maths, we practised counting on to find a difference – this method was most efficient when the numbers in the calculation were close to a multiple of 10 or 100. In addition, we consolidated our knowledge of column addition – adding more than 2 numbers together with up to 4 digits, and 2 numbers with one decimal place.

In RE, we learnt about Pentecost.  We listened to an account of the coming of the Holy Spirit, and to another when Peter addressed the crowd and discussed the effect of the Holy Spirit on people’s lives.  We also looked in detail at a picture depicting Pentecost and described the people, symbols and colours we could see.

In French, in made a collage in the style of Matisse and began to describe our pictures. There are some beautiful pictures and a great start to the descriptions. Magnifique, Year 4!

In PE, we practised our throwing and catching skills again and then played a game which involved batters and fielders.  Well done Year 4 – our overarm throwing and catching is certainly improving.

In Science, we investigated the link between the pitch made by musical instruments and their features. They described the patterns they found such as the thicker the guitar string, the lower the pitch.  For next week, please make a string telephone. A sheet of instructions is provided. Ask someone at home to help you and remember to thank them for their time and assistance.

In PSHE, we talked about self-control and how as we are growing up, we need to be more mindful of our actions and the things that we say.  

In Art, we finished our pictures for our parent assembly. These look beautiful and we are looking forward to sharing these with you at the assembly.

We also enjoyed celebrating the Coronation of King Charles III. We all dressed in red, white and blue and went onto the field for a picnic.  You can see some pictures of us enjoying ourselves here.

Home Practice


Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes each evening.  Look carefully at any descriptions and see if you can identify any noun phrases.


Here are this week’s spellings. You will be tested on these words next Friday (12th May 2023).

centre         probably      separate      library         occasionally

peculiar       straight       remember    possible       question

famous         difficult       increase       interest       ordinary


This week, please practise counting in 10’s

Start at 76 and count up to 256 and back again

76  86   96 etc             256   246  236 etc

Start at 32.5 and count up to 152.5 and back again

32.5   33.5   35.5          152.5   142.5   132.5  etc

Times tables

You will be tested on your tables target next Wednesday (10th May 2023). Please practise every day. Remember you can practise your tables playing Hit the Button and

Please also practise the ‘Multiplication Tables Check’ on

Sumdog challenges

You have been set 3 challenges on Sumdog:

  • A spelling challenge based on the spellings above
  • A times tables challenge based on the 6, 7, 8 and 9 times tables
  • A column addition and subtraction challenge

Please make sure you log on and have a go!  Little and often is the key to success!

Another app for practising tables and number facts is One Minute Maths from White Rose.  It is free to download from the AppStore and PlayStore. There are lots of excellent games you can play which will help you brush up your mental maths skills.  Please do your best to access this fabulous free resource!  Knowing your tables and number facts off by heart is crucial and will help you in many different areas of maths.

Enjoy the Coronation and the Bank Holiday weekend.

The Year 4 Team



Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
