Year 3 Home Learning 6th January 2021

Date: 5th Jan 2021 @ 2:10pm

Hello Year 3. I hope you are all OK and finding lots of reasons to smile. I have uploaded some of your thankful poems onto the website so you can read them and remember all of the things you are thankful for.

I will upload a blog onto the school website each evening. On the blog will be the work which I would like you to complete the following day.

Last time when we were all off for 2 weeks, I was so impressed with how hard you all worked at home. It really made such a huge difference when we were back in school. I know it is for longer this time, but please try to complete as much of the work as you can while you are at home as it will really help you when we are all back together in school.



Please collect an exercise book from the school office to complete your work in, you will be able to bring these into school when we are all back together.

You can also collect reading books from the school office whenever you need to. Please let the office know beforehand so we can get them ready for you.


Wednesday 6th January 2021



Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes. You can read your own book or a school book if you have one at home.

Talk about what you have read.



Here are your spellings for this week:

television, treasure, usual, measure, pleasure, decision, vision, leisure, version, visual


Write the long date: Wednesday 6th January 2021

Write the title: Spelling sentences

Write 3 sentences using this week’s spellings. For an extra challenge, try to put more than 1 of the spellings into each sentence.



Read the pages from Mr Stink attached to this blog, p149 - 152.

Imagine you are a news reporter writing an article about Mrs Crumb allowing Mr Stink to live in her home. You think that Mrs Crumb is very kind for allowing this. You are going to write a little bit of the news report each day.

This video tells you a little bit about news reports:


Today you are going to think of ideas for a headline.


A headline is a title for a news report.

A headline:

  • Should be 5 words or less
  • Gives you a clue of what the news report is about
  • Should have exciting words
  • Can use exclamation marks
  • Has capital letters
  • Can use alliteration where the words start with the same sound e.g. Hero helps the homeless
  • Can rhyme e.g. Crumb: zero to hero



Write the long date: Wednesday 6th January 2021

Write the title: Can I use exciting words?

Focus: Perfect spelling


Write at least 5 ideas for your headline using bullet points

Here are some examples:

  • Local Hero Helps the Homeless!
  • Crumb: Zero to Hero
  • Stink is Safe



Times tables

Go on Hit the Button to practise the 4x tables.

Play at least three times trying to improve your score each time.




Count out loud in 5s up to 100 and then backwards to 0.




Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

  • Multiplication and division challenge: 6th January – 10th January




In class we have practised the 2x and 4x tables.

Today you are going to use doubling to practise the 2x, 4x and 8x tables.

Doubling means adding a number to itself. For example double 4 is the same as 4 + 4.

Attached to this blog is a sheet called Double double double, where you will use doubling to fill in a table and then answer 8x tables questions.

To fill in the table:

1 – Fill in the 2x column

2- Double the 2x to find the 4x

3 – Double the 4x to find the 8x



Attached to this blog is an activity sheet called Balance Time.




Long date: Wednesday 6th January 2021

Title: Can I learn about Egypt from a map?


Find Egypt on map:


Answer the following questions:

  1. Which continent is Egypt in?
  2. Which seas or oceans surround it?
  3. Which river runs through it?
  4. What is the capital?
  5. Which countries does it share a border with?
  6. What do you think Egypt is like based on where on a map it is? (Hot, cold, sunny, beaches, holiday spot?)

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St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
