Year 2 Blog Friday 6th October 2023

Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 3:38pm

Year 2 have had a brilliant week of learning. Thank you so much to everyone who has brought something in for the harvest collection – our box is overflowing!

Few reminders this week

        – Please send wellies in for forest school, it is getting very wet and muddy.

  • Please sign up for parents evening, the sheets are at the office to secure your time slot.

In Maths, we have started our topic of measuring. We have looked at length and mass using rulers and balance scales. We have continued our novel ‘Paddington’ by Michael Bond. The children have retold the story of Paddington and wrote a set of instructions for making a marmalade sandwich. The children have also been writing in past and present tense. In RE this week the children have written lovely psalms about God’s Love. In Computing we learnt about the different rules for using I.T. In Art this week we have used metallic wax crayons and water colours to create autumn leaves.

Pizza Slice PNG Clip Art - Best WEB ClipartPizza Slice PNG Clip Art - Best WEB Clipart

Forest School

In our first session we made roll up pizzas. We talked about how to be safe around the fire. In the nature area we made our own pizzas using a wrap, tomato sauce, ham, garlic, onions, basil and cheese. We rolled our pizza up and wrapped it in foil.  The first groups pizzas got a bit well done as they were cooked on the grill. We cooked all the other pizzas in the Dutch oven so that we could move the pizzas away from the direct flames.

The pizzas were delicious! We also had plenty of time for child-initiated learning in the nature area.

In our second session some of us were outside making dens, climbing trees, cooking with mud and finding all kinds of creatures. Our sessions on Thursday were in the lodge where great imagination and creativity were shown.

Home Practice


In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.

You could look in a thesaurus and see what other words have the same meaning as the one you have found.

Please date, sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it. For Example - 14.09.22 Max’s Box. Read to page 6, really enjoying the book or good sounding out of tricky words or struggled with the word – because/finished the book. MG.

Reading books are changed every MONDAY. You will receive 2-4 books depending on their length, they should last the week, if you read a little each night. However, if you need to change a book at any other time, we will change it as needed.


Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Wednesday (11.10.23). A sheet will go home every Wednesday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you.

Here are the spellings for this week:

one                          love

once                        where

ask                         friend

come                       school

some                      house


At home, can you count to 100 from 0 forwards and backwards?

Can you have a go at counting in 10s to 100? Try and challenge yourself to go backwards in tens too.


You will have a compare/order measurements challenge and a spellings challenge to be completed by next week.

Log in at

Our PE day is FRIDAY.

Our BOOK change is MONDAY.

You will get SPELLINGS on WEDNESDAYS and a quiz will be the following WEDNESDAY.

SumDog challenges will be set every FRIDAY.


Have a lovely weekend

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
