Year 2 Blog - Friday 14th June

Date: 14th Jun 2024 @ 1:12pm

Reading - Please try to read for 10 minutes every night. Children will get 10 house points for every book they read at home.

Spellings – Quiz on Monday 17th June

accident        address      arrive       believe     answer

appear      actual        our      because     their

Times Tables/Number Facts –  A times tables sheet will be sent home every Wednesday/Thursday. 

Counting - Practise saying your 10 times tables out loud forwards and backwards.

Sumdog Challenges Maths – 3D shapes

Sumdog Challenge Spellings –  Common Exception words


This week in Year 2


This week we read our novel 'Fantastic Mr Fox' by Roald Dahl. We also planned and wrote our 'Special Place' writing. The children have written some beautiful pieces of writing - well done Year 2. 


This week we started learning about 3D shapes and their properties.


We read scripture from Luke (10: 25-37) The Parable of the Good Samaritan. We reflected on the scripture and re-told the story . 

Forest School

We started our session with a colour hunt. We had to find something in the nature area which most closely matched the colour of our card. We found logs, leaves, bark and petals. Then we decided on our own learning. We made some delicious food in the mud kitchen, practised tying knots, used spades, shovels and rakes to make a new garden area and climbed trees. We showed superb co-operation, teamwork, imagination and creativity.


We compared seeds and bulbs. We are learning about germination. 


This week we  finished our Kings, Queens and Castles topic. Next week we will start out new topic about technology. 

#30 Days Wild

Please could you send a plastic yoghurt/milk tub in with your child - we are going to make some recycled bird feeders for 30 days wild. 

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
