Year 1 Blog - Friday 19th April 2024

Date: 18th Apr 2024 @ 6:10pm

Sunlight Cliparts - Cliparts Zone

Welcome to the first blog of the Summer Term. 


Home Practice

Phonics - a_e words, OR au words OR ay words.

Maths - Identifying odd and even numbers.

Counting - Count in 2s, 5s and 10s starting at different numbers, 12,22,32 and so on.

Reading - Please try to read each night, it makes a big difference!



This week we have been learning through the story of  'I Want My Hat Back' by Jon Klassen. The bear kept asking: "Have you seen my hat?" to all the characters!

We have had some interesting discussions about the book and written some great sentences.

We have learnt to use different conjunctions (such as 'and' and 'because') and focused on using adjectives to describe the characters and the hat.


Some of us have been revising the split digraphs a-e as in cake, o-e as in mole and e-e as in concrete.

Some of us have been learning the different u spellings - u in sun, oo in wood and oul in could. We have also started to look at the different or spellings - aw in paw, au in haunt, oor in door and ore in more.


We have been learning how to halve shapes and amounts. We know that each part must be equal for it to be a half. We have found halves of amounts by sharing.


Our new piece of scripture is 'The Road to Emmaus'. We role played the story and talked about how the men were feeling when they found out that they were in Jesus' presence.


We have started to get ready for sports day. We practised running fast, jumping and rolling a ball to each other.


We made our own rain gauges to measure how much rain is falling. We will check on them on Monday and use jugs to measure the volume.

Forest School

We played a game, some of us were bees and some of us were flowers. The bees had to collect the pollen from the flowers. We also discussed how the nectar attracts the bees to the flowers.

We also took part in a stone challenge. We showed excellent team-work and perseverance when trying to balance the stones on each other.

We also took part in some child-initiated learning which involved cooking with the blossom that has been blown off the trees, building dens and inventing our own games.

We also spotted changes in the nature area, bluebells have grown, there are leaves on the trees and it's a bit less muddy!



Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
