Reception Blog - Friday 24th February 2023

Date: 24th Feb 2023 @ 10:54am

What a fabulous first week back! Big thank you for all of the cress diaries. The children have loved sharing them with us.

We have started our new topic of 'growing' and the children have really enjoyed our story of Oliver's Vegetables. We had a special delivery at the beginning of the week and it has inspired all of the children to write letters and lists all about the food we have received. Throughout the week we have retold the story so far using actions, we have sent this through on seesaw then you can all see how fabulous it is :)

In maths we have been looking at weight and capacity, using lots of vocabulary to talk about what we have found out.

Tuesday was pancake day, so we talked about how to ake them, we all mixed the ingredients, then cooked and ate them.

In Music we have used instruments to explore loud and soft sounds.

In the afternoons we have been exploring different fruits and vegetables, sorting them, looking at their seeds, what they look like and how they grow! We have even done drawings of the patterns we can see in different vegetables.

In RE we all talked about Lenten promises, what they were and what we could do. Each child has done their own and stuck it on our wall for everyone to see.

In French this week we began to learn the words for some farm animals through a song, game and story. The children are gaining confidence with greetings, answering simple questions about themselves in French - fantastique!

The Friday afternoon was time for PE and tots on tyres!

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St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
