Reception Blog - Friday 22nd September 2023

Date: 22nd Sep 2023 @ 12:54pm

We started our week doing drawings of some autumn treasures the children have been bringing in to class, for our Art topic; 'what can we see?' Whilst doing these drawings we talked about how the conkers felt and how different the shells were.

In phonics this week, we have been doing the s, a and t sounds. We have been learning the songs that go with the sounds, the rhymes to write them and having a go at writing them ourselves.

The Drawing Club has been lots of fun this week. We have been doing the story of the Little Red Hen. One of our challenges was to design our own disgusting bread and the other was to create a bad character to come and steal the bread. The children loved creating these and did some fantastic codes to go with their drawings.

In Maths we have focussed on a different number each day, from 1-5. What that number looks like and how to make it. Together we made posters for each number, for our wall in class.

Miss Whiting came in for French this week and we recapped bonjour and learnt our new word, au revior for goodbye. The children have loved saying this to each other every day. In Music with Mrs Winter we were using the maracas to find a beat. The children loved finding the beat whilst singing the name song. They even performed it to each other at the end, fantastic!

We have also had PE and did lots of throwing and catching.

In RE we have been talking about how special we are. We used a treasure box to see our reflection, talk about how God loves us and how we are special. We then made our own faces out of material for our worship table.

To finish our week it was Fab Friday. Each child took part in either Yoga or Forest School. We also had PSHE where we talked about missing people when we are at school. The children had lots of ideas on how to make themselves feel better about this. These included playing with our friends and painting. We then looked at our Understanding the World past and present topic, Ourselves. We shared the book 'Once There Were Giants.' The children loved seeing the young girl growing up throughout the story, relating some of the scenarios to themselves. We then watched a video of Mrs Robinson's and Mrs Stone's children and how they have grown since they were babies.

Another fantastic week Reception, well done!

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St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
