Reception 7th January Home Learning

Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 9:03am

Thursday 7th January 2021

Here are your jobs for today :) 

Phonics - Today we are learning ch. It is a diagraph (2 letters that make one sound). 

Watch the video of Scrap attached below. 

Can I practise writing the sound ch?

Can I think of any words that begin with ch? 

Can I write the sh & ch words on the sheet attached below?



Handwriting - Have a go at the second page in your booklet, which is all about the letter Bb. 

The Humpty Words of the week are the, to, no, I - Can I spell them without looking at them? (using paper or your whiteboards from you pack)



Literacy - Here is our story of the week, click on this link to watch the video - Oliver's Vegetables

In the Story Oliver loves to eat chips! But we can use potatoes to make lots of different types of food.

What can you make? Can you help your grown up? – We would love to see what you make on seesaw 😊

Can I write some instructions of the food I have made? (Let you child write the sounds they can hear for themselves and use the sound mat to find them. Use the finger space in your pack to put in between your words. Keep it simple, used the attached sheet if needed)

For example, if you were making chips

  1. Wash them
  2. Peel them
  3. Chop them up
  4. Put them in the oven


Maths - Can I count forwards out loud to 30?

Can I have a go at the ladybird counting game? (Click the writing)

Watch the White Rose Maths video - (Session 3)

Have a go at the activity in the maths attachment – Can you record your score?



Topic Time

ScienceWe are sorting fruit and vegetables.

Firstly, gather whatever fruit and vegetables you have in your home. 

Can I sort them into 2 or more groups?

How have they sorted them? (Ideas might be green/not green. Smooth/rough.) How many ways can I find? 

Once you have sorted them, you could cut them open and see if you can see any seeds inside. If it contains seeds, scientifically speaking it is a fruit eg tomato is a fruit. Can you now sort them into fruit and vegetables (seeds/no seeds)? Then you can taste them!



French -We are learning the names of some fruit and vegetables in French.

Here is a song to listen to and join in with. It's called J'aime les fruits (jayme lay froo ee). If you listen a few times you might be able to join and do the conga!

French Song



If you have any questions, please message us on seesaw.

Thank you for your continued support :) 

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St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
