Reception 3rd February Home Learning

Date: 2nd Feb 2021 @ 10:35am

Wednesday 3rd February 2021

The mornings are getting a little bit lighter, which means spring is on the way.J


This week we are celebrating 'Children's Mental Health Week.' There will be activities throughout the week to have a go at.

Today, I have attached some mindfulness focus worksheets to have a little go at and a ‘Things to look forward to jar’ activity.

Why don’t you put on your favourite song and dance around your house?

That always makes Miss Collinson smile!J


Online Resources

  1. Phonics Play will help you to keep recapping all previous sounds the children have learnt since September. Resources, Phase 2, Speed Flash Trials.

The log in is Username: jan21

Password: home

You can also use this log in to play any of the phase 2 phonics games, try some of the Phase 3 games for our new digraph sounds. ðŸ˜Š


  1. Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234

Library – Age 4-7 – Change the level to your child’s book band level and have a go at any of the e-books available to you. 


  1. Topmarks have some good online maths games if you want to have a go at any of these.


Phonics – 

Please revisit all our new digraph & trigraph sounds. ðŸ˜Š 

ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ai, ee, oa, igh

Can I remember all my new sounds? 

Can I think of a word for each sound? 

Can I practise reading a word from each sound?


Today we are going to learn a new sound ‘oo’ – this digraph can make two different sounds. (See the seesaw video from yesterday for an explanation)  

We are going to focus on the  short ‘oo’ sound today. Have a watch of Polly’s video to find out more.

Can I write the words and colour in all the pictures that have the short ' oo’ sound? (See attached.)


Handwriting Have a go at the next page in your booklet, which is all about the letter Rr

The Humpty Words of the week are - be, were, was, said

Can you revisit all your humpty words?

Can you write them without copying them?

(Use paper or the whiteboard from your pack.)


Literacy –

This week we are reading ‘The Little Red Hen.’

Let’s warm up our story- Can I join in with the song again to help you remember the story and have a go at stepping the story? - It would be great to see you stepping the story yourself on Seesaw. J

Writing activity

Using the vocabulary from yesterday and the pattern which the story follows –

Can I have a go at writing one of my sentences to describe a character in the story?

(Or you can make up your own character.)


For example,

‘Not I’ said the greedy, plump pig.

‘Not I’ said the gleeful, grinning horse.

‘Not I’ said the sneaky, small mouse.


You might want to draw a picture for your characters.

Remember to use your sounds and sound mat, stretch the words out slowly and write all the sounds you can hear. You can copy the vocab words given to you yesterday when writing them. 


Reading – Try to read for 10 minutes each day. ðŸ˜Š

See the reading question prompts attached on Monday's Blog to help you talk about your stories. 



Maths – Can I count in 5’s?

What did you notice when you were counting in 5’s? (All the numbers end in either a 5 or 0.)

Have a go at splatting your 5’s them on the splat square? Can you see the pattern? (5 or 0) 

Have you got any 5p’s in your house? See how many 5p’s you have by counting in 5’s?


Today’s learning is all about 9 and 10.

Watch the White Rose Maths video and have a go at the activity attached below. (Session 4 – composition of 9 and 10)

Ten black dots story. 

Can I have a go at the activity – making 9 and 10? (See attached - Remember to use your careful counting.)


Topic Time

Music – EYFS Teddy – Session 5


Science -

Following on from the story of Little Red Hen who makes flour with her wheat, this week we will first learn how flour is made.

Watch these two video clips and talk about what you see and hear. The first one shows a windmill in action – how flour was ground from wheat in the old days.

The second one shows a modern factory making flour.

The process is the same - wheat grains are ground into flour, it’s just the machinery and quantities that are different. They are both noisy places!


What foods did you see that are made from flour?

Did you hear that the grains and flour have to be cleaned to remove any thing that shouldn’t be there such as sticks or metal?

You can have a go at this. Put some flour in a bowl and add something that shouldn’t be there such as some small stones. Can you get them out using a sieve?

Now try adding some paperclips (or similar) to some flour.

If you have a magnet, you could try getting them back out with this. Otherwise you can use the sieve again.


Reception Story Time

Today’s story is ‘Share’ J

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Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
