Reception 1st February Home Learning

Date: 31st Jan 2021 @ 3:29pm

Monday 1st February 2021

We hope you have had a lovely weekend with your families.

Here is your learning for today.😊

Remember to do as much as you can with lots of little breaks in between jobs, if it gets too much, then just read, read, READ! 😊


This week we are celebrating 'Children's Mental Health Week' . There will be activities throughout the week to have a go at.

First of all, can you draw three things that you are good at?

What do you enjoy doing the most of all?  

How do these things make you feel?

Online Resources

  1. Phonics Play will help you to keep recapping all previous sounds the children have learnt since September. Resources, Phase 2, Speed Flash Trials.

The log in is Username: jan21

Password: home

You can also use this log in to play any of the phase 2 phonics games, try some of the Phase 3 games for our new digraph sounds. ðŸ˜Š


  1. Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234

Library – Age 4-7 – Change the level to your child’s book band level and have a go at any of the e-books available to you. 


  1. Topmarks have some good online maths games if you want to have a go at any of these.


Phonics – 

Please revisit all our new digraph & trigraph sounds. ðŸ˜Š 

ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ai, eeoa, igh

Can I remember all my new sounds? 

Can I think of a word for each sound? 

Can I read the words attached? (ai, ee, igh, oa words)

Can I sort the words into piles of the same sounds?


Encourage your child to use sound buttons to read the words.

Encourage your child to stretch out the words to hear the sounds needed to spell the words.


Please feel free to print these words and chop them up into flashcards.

(We will revisit these quite a lot, as with everything in Reception, it is all about revisiting and practising over and over again.)


Handwriting Have a go at the next page in your booklet, which is all about the letter Pp

The Humpty Words of the week are - be, were, was, said

Amazing to see some of you making humpty words with magnetic letters, writing outside with water, writing in chalk, writing on the back of wallpaper rolls. Keep it creative and fun. 😊

(Use paper or the whiteboard from your pack.)


Literacy –

This week we are reading ‘The Little Red Hen.’

There are lots of different versions to this story, have a listen to the story on Seesaw.

Can I join in and learn the ‘Little Red Hen’ song and have a go at drawing my own story map? (Click on the writing.)


Reading – Try to read for 10 minutes each day. ðŸ˜Š

See the reading question prompts attached to help your discussion about your stories. 

Maths – Using the number cards in my pack,

Can I count out different objects to match the amounts? (From 1 to 20 – see the examples on the maths activity.)

Can I count backwards out loud from 10 to 0?, then 20 to 0?


Today’s learning is all about Measuring Time.

Watch the White Rose Maths video and have a go at the activity attached below. (Measuring time – The fifth video)

For today's activity you will need a 1-minute timer. (See activity attached.)


Topic Time

RE – Our new topic is ‘GATHERING’

Talk about the activities that are better done together. (Eating tea together, going for a walk together, people coming to a party together, playing with our friends, going to church together, celebrating Christmas and birthdays.)

What sort of things do we do together?

What makes it better?

Choose one or two of the activities below to have a go at.

  1. Make a chart of all the things that you have done together as a family for the last week or so and talk about the activities that are better done together. What makes them better?
  2. Look through family photos of family gatherings. Talk about the times you shared and how you all felt and what you did.
  3. Make a card for your friend at school to tell them you are missing them and are looking forward to seeing them again soon.


PE – Have a go at the second lesson – Footwork Patterns 😊


Cosmic Kids Yoga – Handwashing


Files to Download

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
