HOME LEARNING Tuesday 8th December 2020

Date: 7th Dec 2020 @ 4:58pm

Year 4

Home Learning Tuesday 8th December 2020

Good morning Year 4.  I am looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow. Please bring the work you have completed at home, your reading books, your PE kit, and your tree decoration – we will be having our own ‘Tree Dressing’ session in the next few days.  We will be extremely busy when we get back to school with our learning as well as preparing for the Nativity which will be videoed on Thursday!

Please remember to take part in the Sumdog challenges that started last Friday (4th December).  I will be seeing on Friday who has spent the most time on the challenges and there are plenty of Dojo’s up for grabs!


Today, please read out loud to someone at home for 20 minutes.  Make sure you discuss what has happened in the chapter / story so far.

Ask someone at home for the meaning of words you are unsure of or look them up in a dictionary.

You can find even more books to read on our website.  Go to Year 4, Home Learning and click on Oxford Owl.  Use the class login and password and explore lots of books to read.


Please make sure you practise your spellings on Sumdog.

Write each word in a silly sentence – check your spellings afterwards to check they are right.  Did you remember your capital letters and full stops?

You will be tested on these words in class next Thursday (10th December 2020).

Times tables

  1. Practise a times table / division fact you know you find tricky using


Play ‘Hit the Answer’ 3 times - see if you can improve on how many you get right in 1 minute.  Then play ‘Hit the Question’ 3 times, again see if you can improve on how many you get right in 1 minute.

Add your results to your ‘Hit the button’ log. Are you getting more right? Are you getting quicker?

  1. Practise any other times tables or division facts you like using ‘Hit the Button’, make sure it is something you know you could improve on (remember to keep going over tables / division facts you should know).  Repeat this and see if you can beat your score.
  2. Practise your 9 times table with the rapping unicorn



  1. Write a letter

Today I would like you to write a letter to me.  Please take care with your capital letters, punctuation, spelling and handwriting. Organise your writing into paragraphs:

  • Paragraph 1 – what you have been doing over the past 2 weeks
  • Paragraph 2 – what you are looking forward to when we are back in school
  • Paragraph 3 – the goals you are going to try and achieve when we are back in school and in the Spring term

Below, I have given you an idea of how to set your letter out and an example of how to start your paragraphs.

Dear Mrs Tipping                                                             Monday 7th December 2020

Today is the last day of home learning as we will be back in school tomorrow. During the past 2 weeks, I have …….

When we are back in school, I am looking forward to ……

I have thought carefully about what I need to do to in order to improve my learning. Before we break up for Christmas, I am going to …….                          In addition, in the Spring term I am going to …….

Make sure you finish your letter off appropriately!

  1. Please update your self-isolation diary for today.


  1. As a warm-up, please have a go at the Sum blocks puzzle by clicking on the link below. You will be shown a sum and you need to drag the number blocks up to make the target sum.  This starts off quite straightforward but do not be fooled, it gets progressively harder!


  1. Maths investigation

Today I would like you to carry out a maths investigation which will help practice and consolidate your addition and subtraction strategies.  You may use different strategies, depending on the numbers in the calculation (eg a compensating strategy, counting up, subtracting by partitioning).

  • Choose a 2-digit number         eg 27
  • Reverse the digits and subtract the smaller number from the larger number

27 reversed is 72, so the calculation will be 72 – 27

Use a numberline / jottings to solve the calculation

Eg 72 – 27 = 45

  • Now, reverse the digits in the answer and add this to your answer

The answer to the subtraction was 45, reversed, this is 54, so the calculation is 54 + 45

Use a numberline / jottings to solve the calculation

Eg 54 + 45

50 add 40 = 90      5 + 4 = 9         90 + 9 = 99

  • Do this with different 2-digit numbers
  • What do you notice?
  • Does this happen with any 2-digit number? Are there some exceptions?
  • Why do you think this is?

Please show your working out and write what you notice in your books.


For a challenge, have a go with 3-digit numbers, an example is given below

  • Choose a 3-digit number eg 431
  • Reverse the digits in the number and subtract the smaller number from the larger number 

Eg 431 – 134 = 297


  • Reverse the digits in the answer and add it to your answer

The answer to the subtraction was 297, reversed, this is 792

Eg 792 + 297 = 1089

  • Do this with different 3-digit numbers
  • What do you notice?
  • Does this happen with any 3-digit number? Are there some exceptions?
  • Why do you think this is?

Please show your working out and write what you notice in your books.

Mighty Maths Challenges

For those of you who enjoy a challenge, here are today’s challenges. Please feel free to have a go, making sure that you show all your working out, trial and improvement jottings and full written explanations (where appropriate) to demonstrate your understanding. Have fun!

  1. Carrying cards – click on the link below


Can you work out what the missing numbers should be?

If there was another row of four children standing behind the fourth row, what numbers would they be holding?

  1. Cracker – see the sheet attached to the blog

Have a go at the Christmas Code Cracker – what words can you find?

Mighty Maths Challenge answers for Monday 7th December 2020

Question 2 – Rows of Coins

  1. 5p 2p 20p 1p 10p
  2. 2p 5p 1p 2p 1p 5p     or 5p 1p 2p 1p 5p 2p

When you use two 10p coins as well

2p 5p 10p 2p 1p 5p 1p 10p      or 10p 1p 5p 1p 2p 10p 5p 2p


In our science topic, we have been learning about animal classification and habitats.  Humans can have both positive and negative effects on habitats and environments.  They can help to both sustain environments and destroy environments.  In your books, please write the date and the learning objective, then divide your page into 2. Write Positive Impacts on one side and Negative Impacts on the other.  Can you think of / research examples of each?  Make sure you know why your example has an impact on habitats and environments, although you do not need to write this down. I have given you an example below:

Tuesday 8th November 2020

Can I give examples of the human impact on habitats and environments?

Positive Impacts

Negative Impacts

Setting up a bird house

Making nature reserves

Having garden hedges instead of fences

Cutting down trees

Dropping litter

Polluting rivers, streams, and lakes




Please remember to practise our nativity songs – we will only have 1 day to practise when we are back at school!    

Well done for finishing today’s work.  Remember to complete today’s goal and tick it off on your chart. Have a lovely evening Year 4 – I’m looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!

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Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402

E: bursar@longton-st-oswalds.lancs.sch.uk