HOME LEARNING Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Date: 22nd Feb 2021 @ 3:45pm

Year 4

Home Learning Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Good morning Year 4.  Welcome to Tuesday’s learning.  Thank you for all the work you uploaded to Seesaw yesterday – it was great to see you all back and you continue to impress me with your learning at home.  Well done Year 4 – you really are fabulous! 



Please read out loud to someone at home for 20 minutes.  Make sure you discuss what has happened in the chapter / story so far.

Can you describe your favourite character from the book? Explain why you like them and what it is about them that interests you.  Provide information about what they wear, what they look like and what their personality is like.

Remember, if you need any new reading books, please let us know and we will arrange for some books to be collected from the school office.



Our last set of spellings were all homophones. Children in school will be tested on them today, therefore, please ask someone at home to test you on them.

Write the long date Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Write the title Spelling test and complete the test underneath.

Ask someone to read out your spellings twice, ask them to read out the sentences below so you can choose the correct homophone – you don’t need to write the sentences, just the word.

  1. New. The new boy in the class had moved from Scotland.
  2. Mist. Mist prevented us from seeing where we were going.
  3. Heel. She dug her heel into the ground.
  4. Side. I rolled from my back onto my side.
  5. Piece.  She offered me a large piece of cake.
  6. Rain.  The sound of the rain on the roof was soothing.
  7. Him.  I saw him running in the woods.
  8. Knew. Jenny knew her mum wanted a scarf for Christmas.
  9. Missed.  The striker missed the goal!
  10.   Heal. The wound had begun to heal.
  11.  Sighed.  She sighed deeply as she was disappointed.
  12.  Rein. Billy had the horse on a long rein.
  13.  Peace. We said a prayer for world peace.
  14.  Hymn.  My favourite hymn is All Things Bright and Beautiful.
  15.  Reign.  How long did Queen Victoria reign for?

New spellings will be given tomorrow.



Today, please re-read / listen to Chapter 7 of Kensuke’s Kingdom. A copy of the book is attached to the blog or you can listen to Chapter 7 by clicking here.

Make sure you look up any words if you are unsure of their meaning. Try and work out the meaning of the word from the sentence before you look it up in a dictionary.

Write the long date Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Write the learning objective Can I answer questions about a text?

Open the document attached to the blog called ‘Chapter 7 questions’.  You may either print the document or answer the questions directly into your Home Learning Book.

Some answers are given, but these are only suggestions and you may come up with other ideas.  Please do not look at the answers until you have attempted all the questions.

Please share your work on Seesaw


Times tables

A times tables challenge has been set on Sumdog. This is to consolidate and practise your 2, 5 and 10 times tables.

Please practise your own tables target using Hit the button. If you are on ‘free’ tables, please practise a times table or division fact which you know you find tricky.  If you are in school this week, you will be tested on your individual target on Thursday 25th February 2021 – if you are on ‘free’ tables, you will be tested on a mixture of 3 and 6 times tables.



Count in 5’s from 0 to 60 and back again.  Count in 5’s from 85 to 140 and back again.  Think about what you found tricky?  Write the numbers down as you say them – what patterns do you notice?

Please count in 50’s from 0 to 600 and back again – can you go any further? Write the numbers down as you say them - do you notice any patterns?

Now count in 50’s from 850 to 1400 and back again – can you go any further? Write the numbers down as you say them – what do you notice now?

What is the relationship between 5 and 50?



Click here to play Daily 10.

Click on play game. Choose Level 3, Doubles/Halves, Halves up to 500.  Choose the time interval between each question eg 3 seconds, 5 seconds etc.  These are quite tricky so make sure you give yourself enough time to work them out!

Remember to make jottings to help yourself.

Eg Half 678                  Partition into 600     70      and     8

Half 600 = 300       Half 70 = 35      Half 8 = 4      300 + 35 + 4 = 339

(You could further partition 70 into 60 and 10.  Half 60 = 30   Half 10 = 5   30 + 5 = 35)

Repeat this game a couple of times and see if you can calculate more quickly and accurately each time.


Today, we are going to practise our mental maths strategies and complete an arithmetic test.

Make sure you have everything you need before you start:

  • A pencil and a ruler
  • Your Home Learning book OR a printed copy of the arithmetic test (attached to the blog)
  • A 20 minute timer
  • The arithmetic answers (to check your answers afterwards. These are attached to the blog)

Please make sure that you make jottings / show your working out – this is important as it helps to find any errors (if you make them!).  Try and complete the test independently and CHECK EACH OF YOUR ANSWERS CAREFULLY before you look at the answer sheet.  Remember, it doesn’t matter if you get an answer wrong, the most important thing is to find your mistake.

Before you start, please watch the video on Seesaw which will explain a couple of strategies.  This will be uploaded on Tuesday morning.

Good luck!


Please post your work on Seesaw so that I can see how you got on!




When people gather at Mass on Sunday, they bring with them their joys and sorrows, their giving and receiving, the good they have done and those things they are sorry for.

Life is full of giving and receiving (taking) and sometimes gets out of balance. The Mass helps people to reflect on their daily lives and challenges them to try again. It gives Christians the strength and courage for this and the knowledge that they are supported in love and prayer.

Jesus understood very well how people often find it hard to love as much as they might do.

In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus explains how God loves and gives advice to us on how to love better. Read Matthew 5: 45-58 which is attached to the blog.

Write the long date Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Write the learning objective Can I describe how I can apply Matthew 5: 45-58 to my daily life?

The reading tells us something about what God’s love is like.

What do you think is the most important piece of advice in this text?

Choose your favourite lines from the reading and write them in your Home Learning Book in your best handwriting.

Then, describe why you especially like these lines.  What images or thoughts do they give you? How do they make you feel? How can you apply them in your daily life? How could these words shape your life? Please write these descriptions in your book.

Decorate your work beautifully by adding pictures or patterns to your work.


Please share your beautiful work on Seesaw.



Please click here for today’s music lesson which is all about rhythm and pulse.  You will learn what rhythm is, how to represent rhythm with symbols, and perform a rhythm too.


Please send upload a video on Seesaw of one of your performances!


Sumdog challenges

You have been set 2 challenges on Sumdog:

  • A maths times table challenge (based on the 2, 5 and 10 times tables)
  • A maths challenge all about decimals – tenths

Please make sure you log on and have a go!  It is important that you practise these skills as they are invaluable in helping you to learn your number facts and multiplication and division facts.  In addition, they will enable you to calculate accurately and at speed when working mentally.

A new spelling challenge will start tomorrow.


Well done for finishing today’s work.  Have a lovely evening and stay safe.

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Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402

E: bursar@longton-st-oswalds.lancs.sch.uk