HOME LEARNING Friday 4th December 2020

Date: 3rd Dec 2020 @ 4:52pm

Year 4

Home Learning Friday 4th December 2020

Good morning Year 4.  I hope you are all safe and well and had a good night’s sleep!  

Please complete today’s written work in your exercise book, as you will need to bring it back into school when you return on 9th December.

Well done to those of you who have been practising your skills on Sumdog.  When I logged on last night, Ezra was in the lead on both the Grammar and Maths challenges and Leah had spent the most time on last week’s Spelling challenge – super work Ezra and Leah.

New Sumdog challenges start at 4pm this evening.  They are:

  • A spelling challenge based on new spellings set today (see below)
  • A grammar challenge relating to adverbs (remember an adverb describes a verb, for example it can tell us how, when or where it was done and they don’t always end in ‘ly’)
  • A maths times table challenge (based on the 3, 6 and 9 times tables)


Today, please read out loud to someone at home for 20 minutes.  Can you summarise in a few sentences what has happened so far?

Ask someone at home for the meaning of words you are unsure of or look them up in a dictionary.

You can find even more books to read on our website.  Go to Year 4, Home Learning and click on Oxford Owl.  Use the class login and password and explore lots of books to read.


Your spellings for next week all start with either uni, bi or tri.  Uni and bi come from Latin, uni means one and bi means two.  Tri comes from both Greek and Latin and means three.

unicycle         universe       universal      unicorn         bicycle        

biceps           biathlon       binoculars    bifocal         triangle

triple            triathlon      tripod           tricycle        trilogy

Copy the words out carefully and write a definition for them.  Ask someone at home to help or use a dictionary if you find this tricky.  A few of you may wish to choose just 5 words and learn those really well.

You will be tested on these words in class next Thursday (10th December 2020).

Times tables

  1. Practise a times table / division fact you know you find tricky using


Play ‘Hit the Answer’ 3 times - see if you can improve on how many you get right in 1 minute.  Then play ‘Hit the Question’ 3 times, again see if you can improve on how many you get right in 1 minute.

Add your results to your ‘Hit the button’ log. Are you getting more right? Are you getting quicker?

  1. Practise any other times tables or division facts you like using ‘Hit the Button’, make sure it is something you know you could improve on (remember to keep going over tables / division facts you should know).  Repeat this and see if you can beat your score.
  2. Practise your 6 times tables with Todd and Ziggy.  Make sure your join in!



  1. Write an animal fact file

Yesterday I asked you to research an animal of your choice and plan a non-chronological report about it.  Today, I would like you to write your report. You can decide whether to do this on 1 page of your exercise book or over 2 pages next to each other. Please look again at the non-chronological reports attached to yesterday’s blog.  Remember non-chronological reports:

  • Have a title
  • Are written in paragraphs
  • Contain an introduction - what the report is about
  • Include sub-headings – to separate information
  • Include information / facts about the topic
  • Are written in the third person (he, she, it)
  • Are written in the present tense (imagine it is happening now)
  • May include pictures / diagrams

As this is an English and science report, please make sure that you include scientific words (eg carnivore, herbivore etc) and information about whether it is a vertebrate / invertebrate etc.

The focus is on:

  • Capital letters and punctuation
  • Correct spellings
  • Neat, joined up handwriting
  • Ensuring you have used the correct layout for a non-chronological report (see above)

Write today’s date and the learning objective, Can I write a non-chronological report?

  1. Please update your self-isolation diary for today.


  1. As a warm-up, practise telling the time using the link below.


Click on ‘Play Game’, then ‘play’.  Decide which level to start at – can you start at a higher level than yesterday? Tick the 12-hour clock (or challenge yourself to the 24 hour clock) and timed game.  How many can you get right in 60 seconds? Repeat and see if you can beat your previous score.

Today, we are practising subtracting 3digit numbers from 3digit numbers using a different mental strategy from yesterday.  Again, many children find this tricky but practising and consolidating this skill now will enable us to calculate mentally with larger numbers when we are back in school.

Please use the strategy below when practising your mental subtraction today.

Find a difference counting up through a multiple of 10 / 100

Using this strategy, we count UP from the number we are taking away - we are finding the difference.  Make sure you count up to the next multiple of 10 /100 according to the question, look at the examples carefully.

Please make sure you use a NUMBERLINE to show your working out and to help you calculate accurately.

Attached to the blog is a subtraction maths sheet. You don’t need to print the sheet you can write the questions and answers in your exercise book.

  1. Open ‘Sheet 1b subtract 3d from 3d counting up’

Complete A or B, or challenge yourself and do both.

Time yourself and write down how long it took you to complete that section.

If you find them tricky and need more practise, come back to them later today and have another go. These are key skills in mental subtraction, so please practise them as we will be building on these skills with larger and trickier numbers.


Ask someone at home to check your work.

Mighty Maths Challenges

For those of you who enjoy a challenge, here are today’s ‘Christmaths’ challenges. Please feel free to have a go, making sure that you show all your working out, trial and improvement jottings and full written explanations (where appropriate) to demonstrate your understanding. Have fun – answers will be published on Monday!

  1. Dressing Elves – see the sheet attached to the blog

Can you work out how many ways Elves can get dressed?  This is a ‘finding all possibilities’ problem.  You will need to find a logical system to test all possibilities and record them in an ordered list or table.  You don’t need to cut the clothing items out, but they are there to help if you wish.

  1. Christmas Puddings – see the sheet attached to the blog

Put your mental addition and subtraction to the test and replace the question marks with the weights of the puddings. Make sure you show your jottings and the strategies you have used to calculate mentally (eg partitioning, compensating, counting up).

Mighty Maths Challenge answers for Thursday 3rd December 2020

Question 1 – Pens problem

  • Danielle bought 8 pens
  • She bought 4 rulers, 4 x 45p = 180 pence or £1.80
  • She got 40p change from £5, so she spent £4.60
  • Take the cost of the 4 rulers away from the amount she spent, £4.60       £4.60 – 1.80 = £2.80
  • She spent £2.80 or 280 pence on pens
  • If pens cost 35p, 2 pens cost 70p, 3 pens cost 105p, 4 pens cost 140p counting up in 35’s ….
  • OR if pens cost 35p, 2 pens cost 70p, so 4 pens cost 140p and 8 pens cost 280p, using a doubling strategy
  • This gives a couple of ways to work out the last part of the question, you may have done it differently

Question 2 – Birthday bonanza

  • Fred    6        aquarium
  • Bill       12      laptop
  • Skyla   9        guitar
  • Riya     11       bike  

Art - sketching

Many of you enjoy drawing, so today I would like you to practise sketching an object. Remember, sketching is roughly scribbling an idea on paper, using free flowing lines and a relaxed pencil grip.  Start with an initial sketch and then refine and define it.

This is an example of the process I found on the internet.


Here are some ideas you could sketch – a fork,  an apple,  a banana,  a hat,  your foot,  your eye,  a key,  a lamp,  a laptop,  a flower,  a person,  a mug,  a car,   a potato …… the list is endless.  Remember to shade your sketch to add contrast and depth.


Please remember to practise our nativity songs – we will only have 1 day to practise when we are back at school!    

Well done for finishing today’s work.  Remember to complete today’s goal and tick it off on your chart. Have a lovely weekend with your family Year 4 and I look forward to seeing you all again next week.  laugh

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St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402

E: bursar@longton-st-oswalds.lancs.sch.uk