Reception Blog - Friday 9th June 2023

Date: 8th Jun 2023 @ 1:32pm

All of the children have come back from their half term break very grown up.

This week we have started our new topic of journeys. We have been talking about the different transportation there are and we have been writing lists of them. On Tuesday we went onto our school car park and looked for different transport, making tally charts of how many we could see.

In maths we have been doing about 3D shapes. We have been on a 3D shape hunt and we have made our own playdough 3D models.

In French, we recapped the compass points and learnt some words for means of transport. We repeated a sentence about how we come to school eg Je vais a l'ecole en voiture. Then we tried to join in with the wheels on the bus in French! 
In Science, we began to understand what the term 'Materials' means in science - what an object is made from. We discussed adjectives that could be used to describe materials eg strong, soft, hard, bendy, rigid etc Then we investigated how to make a strong bridge just using paper. 
In RE, we continued with our topic of Friendship, thinking of different words to show friendship, inlcuding love, kindness, caring etc. The children all made their own hand with all of the different words on.
In Understanding the World we looked at the different holidays that you can go on. Each child made their own suitcase and a list of what they would take on their holiday.

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St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
